LOTE Storytimes at the library

Join our regular Storytimes in Amharic, Arabic, German, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

At our libraries, we love hosting Storytimes but offering them in additional languages requires extra effort. We’re thrilled to introduce four new community language Storytimes in Amharic, Arabic, Hindi and Mandarin, in addition to our existing German, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish sessions.

We have partnered with Space2b to recruit, train, mentor, and support storytellers who deliver culturally safe and inclusive Storytime sessions in their own languages and in English. Each storyteller will bring their own expertise and flair to their sessions. 

We also have Storytime events for special days of cultural significance. See below for more information.

We would also like to thank our partners from Space2b, Better Health Network and FKA Children’s Services and the funding provided by the Victorian Government for the Amharic, Arabic, Hindi and Mandarin sessions. For more information about this program, visit our City of Port Phillip Multicultural Storytimes page.

Meet Nejat, our new Amharic storyteller.

Please note: Storytimes do not run during school holidays or on public holidays.

Amharic 12 pm to 1 pmFirst and third Wednesday of every month Emerald Hill Library
Arabic12 pm to 1 pmSecond and fourth Wednesday of every month Emerald Hill Library
German2 pm to 3 pmLast Thursday of every monthAlbert Park Library
Hindi11 am to 12 midday Second and fourth Monday of every month St Kilda Library
Mandarin 11 am to 12 middaySecond and fourth Friday of every monthPort Melbourne Library
Portuguese10:30 am to 11 amFirst Saturday of every monthEmerald Hill Library
Russian11 am to 12 middayFirst Monday of every monthSt Kilda Library
Spanish11 am to 12 middayFirst Thursday of every monthSt Kilda Library

Special Storytime Events

St Kilda Festival

Sunday 16 February | 10 am onwards
Our LOTE Storytellers will be at the Youth Safe Space and Gaming Pop Up for a day of songs, stories and fun!


Saturday 15 March | 3 pm to 4 pm | St Kilda Library

Saturday 17 May | 3pm to 4pm | St Kilda Library

South Melbourne Market

Our libraries and Storytellers often run events at our South Melbourne Market which are free and open for all families!

Sunday 13 April | 11 am to 12 pm | Hindi Storytime at the market!

Saturday 7 June | 11 am to 12 pm - Celebrating Eid al-Adha!