LOTE Storytimes

We hold Portuguese storytimes at Emerald Hill Library, and Russian and Spanish storytimes at St Kilda Library.

Portuguese Storytime

Join us for a full filled morning of books and songs in Portuguese.

Born in Brazil, Leticia is a local mother of two who loves reading stories to her children. Leticia considers language a "superpower, which allows access to new music, literature, and friends". She hopes that the songs and books read during Storytime will encourage the kids to learn and speak Portuguese as a heritage language.

Suitable for children 0 - 5 years

Where: Emerald Hill Library

When: First Saturday of the month, 10.30 am to 11 am

Contação de Histórias em Português

Junte-se a nós para uma manhã repleta de livros e músicas em português.

Nascida no Brasil, Leticia é uma mãe local de dois filhos que adora ler histórias para eles. Letícia considera a linguagem um "superpoder, que permite o acesso a novas músicas, literatura e amigos". Ela espera que as músicas e os livros lidos durante o Storytime incentivem as crianças a aprender e falar o Português como língua de herança.

Adequado para crianças de 0-5 anos de idade

Onde: Emerald Hill Library

Quando: Primeiro Sábado do mês
10h30 às 11h

German Storytime

Join us for German Storytime, a chance for children and their families to immerse themselves in a 30-minute session filled with songs, stories, rhymes and all things fun.

These sessions are led by a wonderful local native speaker and mother, Ela. A warm welcome to anyone interested in coming along. 

Where: Albert Park Library
When: Last Thursday of each month at 2 pm

Deutsche Storytime

Kommt zur deutschen Vorlesezeit - eine Chance für Kinder und deren Familien, in eine 30 minütige Session, gefüllt mit Liedern, Geschichten, Reimen und Vielem mehr einzutauchen.

Geleitet wird dies von unserer wundervollen, lokalen Mama und Muttersprachlerin Ela. Ein herzliches Willkommen an all diejenigen, die Lust haben vorbeizukommen.

Wo: Albert Park Bibliothek
Wann: Jeden letzten Donnerstag im Monat um 14 Uhr


Spanish Storytime

Welcome to our captivating Spanish storytelling sessions, specially designed for preschoolers and babies! Lasting approximately 40 minutes, we've found the perfect balance to keep their attention without overstimulating or boring them. Each session is carefully crafted with a mix of stories, songs, and music, all aimed at keeping them engaged. Our main goal is to promote Spanish language learning in a fun and interactive way. Additionally, our sessions are entirely led by members of the community, making them even more special. We invite all moms, dads, and other family members to join and participate in this wonderful Spanish storytelling experience!table for children ages zero to 5 years

Where: St Kilda Library

When: First Thursday of the month at 11 am

Hora del cuento en español

¡Bienvenidos a nuestras cautivadoras sesiones de cuentacuentos en español, diseñadas especialmente para niños en edad preescolar y bebés! Durando aproximadamente 40 minutos, hemos encontrado el equilibrio perfecto para mantener su atención sin sobreestimularlos ni aburrirlos. Cada sesión está cuidadosamente elaborada con una mezcla de cuentos, canciones y música, todo ello destinado a mantenerlos interesados y divertidos. Nuestro principal objetivo es promover el aprendizaje del idioma español de una manera divertida y participativa. Además, nuestras sesiones son completamente dirigidas por miembros de la comunidad, lo que las hace aún más especiales. ¡Invitamos a todos los papás, mamás y otros miembros de la familia a unirse y participar en esta maravillosa experiencia de cuentacuentos en español!
Cuándo: Primer jueves del mes a las 11 h

Russian Storytimes start again in September 2024.

Russian Storytime

Introduce your little ones to the wonderful Russian Storytime with the fabulous Natasha. Come and enjoy reading picture books and singing Russian nursery rhymes together.

  • Suitable for children ages zero to 5 years

Where: St Kilda Library

When: First Monday of the month at 11 am

Русская история

Познакомьте своих малышей с прекрасной русской сказкой со сказочной Наташей. Приходите и наслаждайтесь чтением книжек с картинками и пением русских детских песенок вместе.

  • Подходит для детей в возрасте от нуля до 5 лет.

Где: Библиотека Сент-Килда

Когда: первый понедельник месяца в 11:00

All of our events and venues are accessible.

Accessibility: If you have any accessibility requirements or require an adjustment to participate in this event, please contact us via phone or email.

Phone: (03) 9209 6655 
Email: library-cys@portphillip.vic.gov.au