Killara Foundation

Need help finding work or other essential services? Come in and talk to our local expert James.

Help finding work

Come along and meet James from Killara, who works in the Port Phillip area.

Advocates like James support any person who is looking for work and connect employers with the staff they need. He can provide information, advice, and support in person, online, and on the phone.

Port Melbourne (Closed for 2025)
Monday and Wednesday 10 am to 12 pm

St Kilda 
Wednesday and Friday 1 pm to 3pm

Contact details

James Williams
Phone: 0492 416 393



Come chat with James and let him help find you work. 

The Killara Foundation

The Killara Foundation provides Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with recruitment support, guidance, cultural understanding, and housing while they work or until they are ready to live independently.

Killara can also refer Aboriginal and Torres Strait people to the culturally appropriate services they require.

The Killara Foundation works closely with key partners in the private, public and NFP sectors to promote cultural awareness and diversity and to help close the gap.

Together, they offer stability, skills and connection.

Website: Killara Foundation