Fix a Flat - Bike Repair Workshop

FREE Monthly workshop on bike repair and maintenance, hosted by the St Kilda Bike Kitchen

Attention all local riders!

Join us each month for an exhilarating FREE workshop where you'll discover the art of bike repair.

Bring your bike and learn from our local experts who will share useful tips and tricks to keep your trusty steed in top shape.

Families are encouraged to come together and learn as a group, making it a fun and educational experience.

Fourth Thursday each month
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
St Kilda Library Community Room

These workshops are hosted in partnership with the St Kilda Bike Kitchen, our Library, and the City of Port Phillip Sustainable Transport team.

About the St Kilda Bike Kitchen

St Kilda Bike Kitchen is a local community Not for Profit that aims to support people leading healthier and more sustainable lives. They aim to grow and support a welcoming community, where anyone can learn to build, maintain and ride a bike.

Instagram: St Kilda Bike Kitchen
FaceBook: St Kilda Bike Kitchen

Please note that bookings for this event are managed by the St Kilda Bike Kitchen. For more information, reach out to them directly.

Fix a Flat has finished for 2024, but will be back in 2025.
You can make a booking below or follow them on Facebook or Instagram to find one of their local pop-ups!


Use this link to book in for Thursday 23 January, 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm