St Kilda Historical Correspondence A-Z

R121: Reserves - Foreshore. March, 1880 Department of Lands & Survey enclosing sketches of 10 areas of Crown Lands and indicating decisions on the matter of their disposition, permanently or temporarily, to be reserved or to be offered for sale. (Port Phillip Heritage Centre collection)

This index provides access to some of our earliest letters and other documents dating from the period between the formation of the St Kilda municipality in 1857 and the early 20th century. The correspondence provides a unique snapshot of the concerns of St Kilda residents and Council during this time.
Larger collections of early correspondence have survived from the City of St Kilda than from our other two former cities, South Melbourne and Port Melbourne. This particular collection was organised and indexed by W.H. Greaves, a former Town Clerk of St Kilda. For enquiries concerning historical documents from any of the three previous councils, please contact Local History Services.
How to search the index
You can search the index by subject headings, which are sorted alphabetically. Under each subject heading, the individual documents are numbered. If requesting access to a document in the collection, please quote the subject heading, the letter of the alphabet and the number.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
1. August, 1857 Report from Public Works Committee to Council recommending an approach to Government for land on North side of Elster Creek and West side of Punt Road (Barkly Street) for an abattoir.
2. September, 1857 Department of Lands & Survey granting permissive occupancy of 2 acres adjacent to Creek (Elster) and on West side of Barkly St for an abattoir in accordance with plan enclosed.
3. March, 1859 Alfred Bliss asking for confirmation of his belief that the Slaughter House on the Quarantine reserve at Point Ormond will be removed.
4. 1861 Petition from 167 Butchers and others protesting against Council's intention to prohibit the slaughtering of sheep and cattle on butchers premises and to establish Abattoirs for the purpose.
5. March, 1861 Department of Lands & Survey site temporarily reserved for an abattoir and gazetted on 31st May 1861.
6. May, 1862 Petitioners requesting a review of the tolls and dues levied at the abattoirs.
7. August, 1862 Department of Lands & Survey notifying gazettal of 2 sites permanently reserved for abattoirs.
8. July, 1864 James Osborn of Bleak House, North Elwood protesting against the stench from slaughter yards (Abattoirs). Note: "Bleak House" was subsequently known as "Wiltonia" on the Ormond Esplanade in vicinity of Bluff Avenue and Wilton Grove.
9. July, 1864 Department of Lands & Survey advising that a Grant has been made to Council of the abattoirs sites.
10. October, 1865 Town Clerk Brighton applying for permission to use the Abattoirs for the slaughter of cattle from Brighton district.
11. January, 1866 Petition from Butchers complaining of bad state of road leading to the bridge over the creek (Barkly Street now the Elwood Canal).
12. October, 1866 Town Clerk Prahran suggesting arrangements to be made for butchers from Prahran to slaughter cattle at St Kilda's Abattoirs.
13. August, 1867 Edington Brothers - Lessees asking for a reduction in the abattoirs rent by reason of loss of business through competition from the local Municipal Market.
14. August, 1868 Central Board of Health report by an officer on sanitary condition of abattoirs and the manure depot.
15. November, 1868 Department of Lands & Survey asking Council's views on a petition by residents seeking the removal of the abattoirs - also the removal of the Rifle butts. A copy of this letter is available: HistRec-A15a HistRec-A15b
16. September, 1869 Central Board of Health enclosing memorial from residents complaining of conditions at abattoirs - Board desires to know what action has been taken.
17. May, 1870 Department of Public Works agreeing to receive a deputation urging the installation of a water supply to the abattoirs.
18. July, 1870 From Central Board of Health enclosing copy of plans and specifications relating to abattoirs, stables, cow sheds etc.
19. September, 1871 Edington Brothers - Lessees asking for a reduction in the rent of £200 per annum for the lease of the St Kilda Abattoirs in consequence of a slaughtering licence having been granted at Caulfield.
20. September, 1876 Robert Edington agreeing to renew the agreement for leasing the abattoirs for a further 3 years from 6th June 1876 at a rental of £216 per annum.
21. November, 1879 Melbourne Water Supply Department agreeing to reduce the amount of the guarantee required for the supply of water to the abattoirs.
22. December, 1883 Central Board of Health enquiring what steps have been taken to abolish the abattoirs.
23. March, 1884 Central Board of Health notifying that the Board in future will abolish all abattoirs unless they are conducted under official supervision.
24. April, May and June, 1889 Gannson & Wallace, Solicitors acting for certain St Kilda butchers objecting to the closing of the abattoirs and threatening legal action unless they be reopened.
Acts of Parliament
27. July, 1858 Town Clerk, Emerald Hill enclosing his Council's resolution suggesting that all Municipalities make some recognition of the part played by the Hon. Captain Clarke MLA (on his departure for England) in securing the passing of the Municipal Institutions Act by which local self-government was established.
28. June, 1876 Commissioner, Railways & Roads Department notifying that as from 1st July1876 all matters relating to Local Government will be dealt with by the Chief Secretary's office in lieu of his Department.
29. June, 1872 and February, 1873 Hiram W Paterson putting forward the idea of constructing an Aquarium on the beach if granted a suitable site.
30. March, 1880 George Leeman enquiring the views of the Council on his proposal to establish an Aquarium and suggesting a site on the Alfred Square Reserve Upper Esplanade.
31. October, 1889 F Illingworth notifying that plans etc. have been lodged with the Department of Lands concerning an application for a beach site to erect an Aquarium.
32. January, 1890 Department of Lands & Survey advising that the Aquarium Company will be requested to consent to proposals conveyed in the Council letter of 17th January 1890. A copy of this letter is available: HistRec-A32a HistRec-A32b
33. March, 1890 Department of Lands & Survey forwarding for perusal a draft lease for an Aquarium to be granted by the Board of Lands and Works and the Council.
Auditors - reports
34. 1880 Councillor George Pilley (Mayor) submitting on behalf of the Legislative Committee of the Council comments on the Auditors report concerning items of expenditure not authorised by the Local Government Act.
2. June, 1857 Savings Bank Commissioners asking that a notice be displayed on the door of the Court House, requiring depositors in the Melbourne Savings Bank to bring in their pass books for examination.
3. August, 1864 Hon. S H Bindon asking for use of Town Hall on Saturdays for purposes of the proposed Savings Bank.
4. October, 1864 Stanford Smith asking permission to leave in the Town Hall a small iron safe containing the books of the St Kilda Penny Savings Bank.
5. April, 1867 Manager Oriental Bank Melbourne notifying that after the 30th April interest will not be paid on the Council's current account but only on sums placed on deposit.
6. February, 1869 Oriental Banking Corporation acknowledging the Council's letter terminating its association with the Bank. A copy of this letter is available: HistRec-B6a HistRec-B6b
7. February - December, 1856 Melbourne City Council and the Surveyor General copies of correspondence re the location of the Bathing Ship at St Kilda and its rightful anchorage and its encroachment on the area reserved for ladies bathing. Note: It was anchored on beach opposite Mooneys Royal Hotel (corner Robe Street). Melbourne City Council wanted it removed to a point 5 chains westward of the West side of Fitzroy Street.
8. October, 1857 Department of Lands & Survey re Kenney's application to extend Bathing Ship site.
9. November, 1857 Department of Lands & Survey conditions of license for Kenney's extended Bathing Ship site.
10. December, 1857 Department of Lands & Survey re Kenney's new Bathing Ship site and the boundaries of cattle grazing areas.
11. January, 1858 Department of Lands & Survey re Mrs Ford's license for baths.
12. June, 1858 Department of Lands & Survey Mrs Ford's and Mr Jackson's baths not permitted to have a restaurant.
13. August, 1858 St Kilda Sea Bathing Co with reference to the planting of trees on the slopes between the Upper and Lower Esplanades and asking that provision be made for a pathway to its establishment where previously a gateway had been in existence in the fencing along the upper roadway.
14. August, 1858 St Kilda Sea Bathing Co agreeing to pay half cost of forming a pathway to its Baths from the Esplanade across the plantation on the slopes.
15. February, 1859 Department of Lands & Survey conditions of baths and their occupancy and approaches to baths.
16. January, 1860 Department of Lands & Survey list of occupants of Crown lands on beach - bathing sites and fishermen.
17. November, 1861 William Kenney asking permission to remove his Ladies Baths known as "The Pavilion Baths" and to erect new baths between the "Victoria Ladies Baths" and the baths occupied by Mrs Ford.
18. November and December, 1861 Thomas Leggett (Lessee St Kilda Bathing Establishment) concerning his request for permission to erect a new Ladies Bathing House, his application having been made before one now before the Council by William Kenney, who claims his ship baths are now silting up.
19. January, 1864 Department of Lands & Survey all licensees required to conform to Council regulations.
20. February, 1864 Women bathers at Hegarty's baths asking that a screen be erected as they are annoyed by men bathing in the nude in the baths adjoining.
21. February, 1864 Council to Captain Kenney requiring him to improve appearance of Bathing Ship baths and to screen bathers from public view.
22. September, 1864 J Hegarty replying to Council's request that a screen be erected to screen bathers from public view.
23. September, 1864 Department of Lands & Survey no further licenses will be issued until screens erected to hide bathers from public view.
24. September, 1864 W Kenney on the subject of screening bathers from public view at his "Bathing Ship" baths.
25. September, 1864 George L Headen on the subject of screens in his baths under construction to provide that females will be effectively hidden from public view. A copy of this letter is available: HistRec-B25a HistRec-B25b
26. November, 1864 W Kenney advising that screens have been erected to shield bathers from the view of the public on the Esplanade and Fitzroy Street and that shortly most of the old work now standing will have been removed so that the entire baths will be new.
27. December, 1864 Department of Lands & Survey Kenney's Victoria Baths to be pulled down or satisfactorily repaired.
28. March, 1865 Department of Lands & Survey does not consider it expedient to grant Council control over beach frontages.
29. March, 1865 Borough Surveyor report that Mrs Ford has now repaired her baths according to plan.
30. August, 1865 Mr G Hegarty asking permission to extend the baths 400 feet further seawards.
31. August, 1865 Mr G Hegarty forwarding plans of extensions proposed to be made to the Baths.
32. August, 1865 Department of Lands & Survey notifying that Mr Hegarty has no authority to extend his baths.
33. February, 1866 J Hegarty applying for permission to extend 300 feet seawards.
34. October, 1866 William Kenney asking that a pathway be made to the Lower Esplanade from his Ladies Baths to afford easier access both to the baths and the beach.
35. October, 1867 W Kenney enclosing sample of "coal tar" found at the foot of his bathing Jetty and suggesting its possible usefulness for road making purposes.
36. June, 1872 W Kenney replying to certain statements by Councilors appearing in the press and asking the Council not to support any application by another party to secure a site for another bathing establishment on the beach.
37. June, 1872 Department of Lands & Survey asking Council's views on applications for sites to extend their baths by Kenney and St Kilda Sea Bathing Co.
38. July, 1873 Department of Lands & Survey - objection by W Kenney to any site extension being granted to St Kilda Ladies Sea Bathing Co. A copy of this letter is available: HistRec-B38a HistRec-B38b
39. October, 1873 Department of Lands & Survey - two letters advising that Captain Kenney has been given permission to extend his "Bathing Ship" baths on the understanding that he effectively screen them from the pier. Subsequently agreeing to receive a deputation from the Council on this subject and the suggested abolition of the St Kilda Pound corner Alma Road and Mort Street.
40. July, 1874 Town Clerk St Kilda reporting on an inspection of Captain Kenney's Bathing Ship baths in the presence of Lands Department and Harbor officials showing work done which did not conform to sketch plan submitted by Captain Kenney to Department.
41. July, 1874 Department of Lands & Survey - two letters agreeing not to grant permission for Captain Kenney to make alterations or extensions to his "Bathing Ship" baths until the Council's views have been submitted to the Minister.
42. January, 1890 Department of Lands & Survey saying the Council's and the ratepayers' objections to any extension of Kenney's Bathing Ship baths will be considered and subsequent correspondence relating to the terms of his lease.
43. January, 1890 Department of Lands & Survey acknowledging the Council's letter relating to bathing sites on the foreshore.
44. October, 1890 Premier's Office forwarding letter from the Agent General's office, London with reference to the Council's enquiry concerning bathing establishments in England and the Continent.
45. December, 1891 Premier's Office enclosing letter from the Mayor of Le Havre on the matter of bathing places in France.
46. April, 1901 Captain William Kenney - his own complete story of the origin of the bathing ship baths and subsequent events from 1853 to the present (1901).
47. July, 1913 Newspaper articles on the subject of the Council's proposal to purchase the three baths on the foreshore - Kenney's Ladies Baths, Hegarty's Baths and the St Kilda Baths Pty Ltd structure. The proposal being to demolish Kenney's and Hegarty's baths and to erect a new Ladies Baths utilising portion of Kenney's site. Also Council's plan of the sites and Kenney's plan for a new building.
Beach - buildings
48. February, 1858 Crown Lands Office replying to Councillor Cowderoy's protest concerning the erection of tents and other structures on the St Kilda beach and at the conduct of Chinamen occupying them.
Beach - coal
49. June, 1857 Petition from William Kenney to be allowed to land coal on beach alongside his Bathing Ship for supply to local inhabitants and supporting letter from Florence Gardiner and Messrs David and William Hamilton asking for the same privilege. Note: It was claimed that coal would be cheaper by avoiding the cost of cartage from Melbourne.
Beach - marina and railway
50. April, 1885 W Murray Ross suggesting the erection of a wicker-work pallisading seaward of the shoreline from Point Ormond northwards and the area enclosed (as shown on plan) be used as a Marine Park and pleasure ground which together with the filling of the Elwood Swamp and the building of his proposed Railway from Elwood to St Kilda would enhance property values.
Beach - oyster bed
51. May, 1860 Donald McKechnie having opened an oyster bar at the Esplanade asks permission to form an oyster bed between the Bathing Company's baths and the pier.
Beach - seaweed removal
54. November, 1886 Residents petitioning for a public meeting to devise a means of alleviating the stench from rotting seaweed on the beach. Meeting subsequently held 16th November when it was agreed to interview Minister for Lands with a request that he remit the licence fee required from carters who remove the seaweed from beaches.
Beach - switchback railway
55. November, 1888 Department of Lands & Survey asking the Council's views on an application by a NSW company for a site on the foreshore reserve between Fitzroy Street and the Beaconsfield Hotel to erect a Toboggan, Rink and Switchback and objection to the proposal lodged by residents in the vicinity.
Benevolent society
56. First Annual report of the St Kilda Ladies Benevolent Society formed on 11th October 1859. Subsequent correspondence re meeting place and requests for financial assistance.
Birds - sparrows
57. October, 1865 G W Rusden claiming to be the originator of the introduction of sparrows to Victoria from China and asking that steps be taken to protect them from destruction because of the benefits derived therefrom.
58. December, 1875 Hon. Secretary St Kilda Sparrow Club seeking financial help in its endeavours to destroy and exterminate the imported sparrow and intimating the extent of its endeavours to date.
59. October, 1883 Frederick Brooke asking permission to erect a boatshed on the beach adjacent to the main drain outlet.
60. 1884 Frederick Brooke refuting an allegation that the building proposed to be erected on the beach will be used to "build" boats, but is required as a "boat shelter".
61. May, 1884 Department of Lands & Survey enquiring the Council's views on the application by Frederick Brooke for a site on the South Beach for a "Boat shelter". A copy of this letter is available: HistRec-B61
Boundaries - annexation and severance
66. July, 1859 Chief Secretary advising that the petition of householders in portion of Caulfield Road District to be united to St Kilda has been published in Government Gazette of l9th July, 1859.
67. August, 1859 John S G Webb writing from "Owensville" (the name of the area prior to its naming as "Ripponlea") as chairman of the Caulfield District Separation Committee notifying that a Public Meeting will be held at the Elsternwick Hotel, Brighton Road, to discuss separation from Caulfield and annexation to St Kilda.
69. June, 1870 Thomas Dickson advising that the Chief Secretary (Sir J McCulloch) has deferred his decision on the annexation of North Elwood to Borough of Brighton until result of the application for its annexation to St Kilda is known.
71. June, 1875 Department of Roads and Railways indicating that the Caulfield Council does not wish to express any opinion on the subject of the inclusion in its area of land formerly under the control of the Caulfield Roads Board but subsequently separated from it, but believes a petition is now being prepared for the area to be restored to Caulfield. (The area being Dandenong Road in the north, Orrong Road in the east, Glen Huntly Road in the south and Hotham Street in the west).
73. March, 1876 Government Gazette re defining the boundaries of the subdivisions of the North and South Wards of St Kilda consequent upon portion being annexed to Caulfield. Note: West Ward unaffected.
75. March, 1879 Petition from Ratepayers dissenting from proposed severance of portion of West Ward and annexing same to Emerald Hill, preferring to remain part of St Kilda Borough.
76. March to May, 1879 Correspondence between Council and Chief Secretary relative to the order severing the area north of Fitzroy Street between the Bay and St Kilda Road from St Kilda and annexing the same to the Town of Emerald Hill. The balance of the area to be the newly defined West Ward.
77. September, 1881 Secretary Public Works Department drawing attention to Notice in Victorian Government Gazette for the severance from Town of Emerald Hill and transfer back to St Kilda, the area north of Fitzroy Street - previously severed.
Boundaries - posts
64. May, 1857 Contract No.1 with Thomas Leggett of Bull Street (now Westbury Street) for erection of Boundary posts (£37).
65. April and May, 1879 A W Fraser correspondence relative to the replacement of the old Municipal boundary post at the corner of Brighton (St Kilda Road) and High Street.
Boundaries - subdivision
68. October and November, 1868 Chief Secretary advising gazettal of borough into three wards the North, South and West Wards.
Bridges - Princes
84. May, 1864 Town Clerk Melbourne asking the Council's cooperation in the proposals to gain Government approval for a new bridge across the Yarra from St Kilda Road and in line with Swanston Street and the removal of the old Princes Bridge.
85. October, 1877 Town Clerk Melbourne inviting the Council to join a deputation to the Chief Secretary for moneys to be placed on its estimates for a bridge over the Yarra in line with Swanston Street.
86. September and December, 1878 Chief Secretary on the subject of the proposed new Princes Bridge to cost £60,000 and advising such cost is to be borne by Government 1/3, the Melbourne City Council 1/3 and the remaining 1/3 by Municipalities south of the Yarra and asking the views of the Council.
87. February, 1881 Town Clerk Melbourne enclosing decision of conference on the building of the new bridge (Princes) suggesting the Government be asked to increase its contribution to one half the cost.
88. December, 1857 Crown Solicitor replying to the Council's enquiry and stating it is not the Government's intention to take immediate steps to introduce a Bill in the nature of a Suburban Building Act.
89. September, 1858 Henry Baldwin with reference to a house built by him in Southey Street facing a Government Reserve at the corner of Southey, Tennyson and Byron Streets and asking that a street be formed from Southey Street to Tennyson Street so that he will not be closed in (sketch plan enclosed). Note: This reserve is shown on an early plan as extending from Byron Street along Tennyson Street for a distance of approximately 264 feet. Baldwin's house must have been subsequently demolished.
Cab stands
1. May, 1858 Office of Roads and Bridges advising that a cab-stand will be formed near the Junction Hotel.
2. September, 1858 Sydney W Smith Town Surveyor reporting on a site for a cab-stand corner St Kilda Road and Fitzroy Street and submitting sketch.
3. March and April, 1859 Cab Proprietors petitioning for the appointment of four additional stands to the only one at the St Kilda Junction.
4. April, 1872 Cabmen petitioning for the appointment of a cab-stand at the intersection of Chapel Street and Dandenong Roads near the Star and Gippsland Hotels.
6. February, 1876 Grand Victorian North Western Canal Co copy of memorial to the Government for a subsidy in connection with its proposal to make a canal from the Goulburn to the Loddon rivers.
7. April, 1857 Town Clerk East Collingwood seeking co-operation in a proposal that a Carters Licence issued by any Council should be operative for whole Metropolitan area.
8. October, 1861 Petition from Cartage Contractors asking to be given cartage work at the Council's disposal.
9. November, 1857 Town Clerk Emerald Hill enquiring the Council's views on the desirability of joint action to prohibit cattle slaughtering on butchers premises.
10. November, 1861 Town Herdsman (James Beagley) asking for instructions in actions against persons having more than the statutory number of bullocks and cows and drawing attention to the need for preserving the trees planted on the slopes (between the Upper and Lower Esplanades).
11. October, 1862 Ratepayers and Cowkeepers asking that a watering place be provided on the cattle run and suggesting a wooden spout be connected to Yan Yean water supply in Acland Street near the Main drain.
12. May, 1863 Gleeson and Drummond seeking a refund of pound fees paid in respect of bullocks grazing on the St Kilda Cricket Ground area. Note: These men were the Contractors for ploughing and levelling the ground and grazed the animals in preparation for commencing their work on the day following the seizure.
Cemetery - St Kilda
13. April and May, 1858 Town Clerk Prahran suggesting a joint approach to the Government for obtaining a share in the management of the St Kilda Cemetery.
14. December, 1859 Chief Secretary advising that the Commissioner of Crown Lands will consider the Council's request to have some control over the Cemetery.
15. December, 1859 Department of Lands & Survey matters relating to the control of the St Kilda Cemetery are being considered.
16. January, 1860 Department of Lands and Survey advising it does not consider control of St Kilda Cemetery should be given to Council.
17. January, 1860 Department of Lands & Survey notifying it has no objection to Council being represented on St Kilda Cemetery Trustee Board.
18. March, 1860 Department of Lands & Survey Governor-in-Council has approved of the appointment of two Council representatives on St Kilda Cemetery Trust.
19. January, 1861 Department of Lands & Survey requiring the names of the Council's two representatives on the St Kilda Cemetery Trust for inclusion in the Deed of Grant.
20. September, 1861 Secretary Trustees St Kilda Cemetery applying for a grant towards forming and metalling approaches.
21. July, 1868 Henry G Turner - Chairman of Trustees enclosing copies of correspondence between the Public Works Department and the Trustees concerning the closing of the Cemetery against further Interments and suggesting the Council take steps to obtain the views of householders in St Kilda. A copy of this letter is available: HistRec-C21a HistRec-C21b HistRec-C21c HistRec-C21d HistRec-C21e HistRec-C21f HistRec-C21g HistRec-C21h HistRec-C21i HistRec-C21j
22. August, 1868 Town Clerk Prahran indicating willingness to join St Kilda in a deputation to the Public Works Department against the request by some residents to close the Cemetery.
23. August, 1868 Secretary St Kilda Cemetery Trustees notifying that the deputation will be received by the Public Works Commissioner on 3rd September 1868.
24. January, 1869 Secretary St Kilda Cemetery notifying receipt of advice from Minister of Public Works that the request by residents for closing the Cemetery has been refused.
25. July, 1879 Report of Conference of delegates from City and Suburban Councils on the subject of a site for a new Metropolitan General Cemetery and recommending approval of the land reserved by the Crown at Frankston as opposed to land in Dandenong Road, Springvale or the Police Paddock at Dandenong.
26 July, 1871 Registrar-General forwarding Victorian census returns, 1871.
27 May, 1863 Private Secretary to Governor acknowledging the Council's congratulations to HRH Princess of Wales upon her marriage.
28. September, 1867 Royal Reception Committee seeking local information concerning the Borough and the Council's co-operation in the reception to HRH the Duke of Edinburgh and printed acknowledgment of various letters and resolutions expressing horror at the attempt to assassinate him.
29. March, 1884 Town Clerk Melbourne inviting the Mayor to be present at a meeting to discuss means for recognising the services to the State of HE the Marquis of Normanby prior to his departure. A copy of this letter is available: HistRec-C29a HistRec-C29b
30. November, 1890 Arctic Exploration Committee inviting subscriptions to the Exploration Fund and attendance at a Ball in aid thereof. Note: See names of prominent persons associated with the movement.
31. January, 1914 Reception to Mr Harry Hawker - Aviator press reports and correspondence.
32. May, 1920 Letter signed by HRH Edward, Prince of Wales acknowledging the Council's Address of Welcome to St Kilda.
Channels - Chapel Street
34. April, 1863 S P Firebrace, Hon Secretary All Saints Church asking channels be laid on the east side of Chapel Street south from Dandenong Road.
35. July, 1864 Messrs H H & S G Leplastrier and Mrs A Elmes complaining of the water channel on the east side of Barkly Street between Alma Road and Waterloo Street. Note: Mrs Ann Elmes conducted a Preparatory School for Young Gentlemen.
37. September, 1867 J Pickersgill advising that a committee has been formed to organise entertainment for local charities and asking for use of Town Hall.
39. June, 1862 Committee and Congregation St Mary's Roman Catholic Church asking that the approach to the front gate from the main road be constructed and the deep water channel be removed.
42. June, 1873 Rev. J H Gregory All Saints Church seeking certain improvements on the reserve adjoining the school ground next to the Church.
43. November, 1862 Edward Julian claim for damages on behalf of his child who fell on the shafts of the Council's roller located on land corner Barkly and Inkerman Streets.
Council committees - Finance
44. April, 1857 Council's Finance Committee the first reports of the Committee's proceedings. Note: In original draft form and signed by the Chairman - Councillor Alex Fraser.
Council - reports
46. November, 1873 Mayor (Councillor W G Murray) report of Council activities during year 1872-73. Melbourne Road, Hotham Street, Jetty, Elsternwick drainage, Post Office, Police Station, Albert Park, Law and Order etc.
Councillors - attendance at meetings
47. April, 1858 Councillor Thomas Hale advising by electric telegraph from Ballarat that owing to a coach accident he is unable to attend the meeting. Note: 10 words - cost 3/-.
48. February, 1859 Benjamin Cowderoy advising inability to attend Council meeting, having been appointed Returning Officer for the first election of Councillors at Brighton.
Councillors - ex Councillor Benjamin Cowderoy
49. July, 1891 Benjamin Cowderoy offering a portrait of himself painted from photographs taken at time of his chairmanship of the Council.
Councillors - Councillor Captain Albert Jacka VC MC
67. May, 1932 Unveiling of Memorial Stone on grave in St Kilda Cemetery of Councillor Captain Albert Jacka VC MC on Sunday 15th April, 1932.
68. January, 1932 Copy of Returned Sailors & Soldiers' Imperial League of Australia (NSW Branch) publication "Reveille" containing obituary of Councillor Captain Albert Jacka VC MC.
Councillors - death of Henry Tullett
50. January, 1882 Copy of letter to widow on the death of Henry Tullett after 24 years as a Councillor.
Councillors - elections
51. August, 1862 J R Hornby advising his intention to ask the Supreme Court to set aside the election of James McCulloch MLA as Councillor on grounds that the election was irregular. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-C51a HistRec-C51b
52. August, 1867 Minutes of Public Meeting of Candidates standing for the office of Councillor.
53. February, 1870 Extracts from "Prahran Telegraph" case for and Counsel's opinion on the terms of office and dates of retirement of Councillors consequent upon the division of the borough into three Wards.
54. August, 1873 Hugh Peck concerning his election as a Councillor for the South Ward whilst not qualified to stand and tendering his resignation, also memo from the Town Clerk on the subject of receiving nominations.
55. August, 1873 Macgregor Ramsay and Brake - Solicitors for Mr Ross Watt claiming that as Mr Hugh Peck was not qualified to hold office of Councillor, ouster proceedings would be taken and that Mr Watt should have been elected, he being the only qualified person nominated.
Councillors - forfeiture of seat
56. June, 1860 Town Clerk Fitzroy seeking assistance in its objective to have the Municipal Institutions Act Amendment Bill altered so that a Councillor will not forfeit his seat if unable to attend Council meetings for specified reason.
Councillors - leave of absence
57. February, 1887 Residents of North Ward petitioning the Council not to grant leave of absence to Councillor W H Ellerker to visit Europe because of the importance of subjects under discussion affecting the North Ward.
Councillors - Mayor
58. November, 1863 B F Bunny resigning the Office of Mayor of the Borough to prevent any difficulty arising pursuant to the new Municipal Act.
59. July, 1888 Ratepayers asking that the Mayor (Councillor G Turner) be elected to the position of Mayor for another term.
Councillors - resignation
60. May, 1859 W H Cropper tendering his resignation as a Councillor. Note: He was elected on 9th March 1858 via Councillor Samuel Marshall.
61. May, 1859 Joshua Mooney tendering his resignation as a Councillor. Note: He was a member of the first Council appointed on 9th March 1857. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-C61a HistRec-C61b
62. August, 1861 Frederick Spicer tendering his resignation as a Councillor.
63. May, 1861 J H Kelson tendering his resignation as a Councillor.
64. August, 1863 Hon. James McCulloch MLA resigning the office of Councillor.
65. April, 1867 Councillor James Turner resigning his office as Mayor following upon a serious accident. Note: Councillor Turner died in May 1867.
66. August, 1887 Ex Councillor A E Moore acknowledging the resolution thanking him for his services.
Court of petty sessions - Chairman
69. March, 1859 Resolutions passed at a Public Meeting condemning the appointment by the Bench of Magistrates, of Mr B Cowderoy as Chairman and recommending the appointment of the Chairman of the Council.
77. April, 1864 F J S Stephen forwarding proposal by Melbourne City Council to play cricket against a team comprising representatives from other Metropolitan Borough Councils.
1. December, 1890 Department of Lands & Survey rejecting the Council's request to erect a Destructor on Crown land at Point Ormond. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-D1a HistRec-D1b HistRec-D1c HistRec-D1d
Dishonoured cheques
2. March, 1860 Oriental Bank, Melbourne cheque dishonoured.
3. June, 1869 Commercial Bank Ltd cheque dishonoured. Note: This is the first advice received from the Commercial Bank after the Council had changed from the Oriental Bank.
44. November, 1891 Shire of Caulfield concerning its contemplated appeal to the Privy Council against a judgment of the Full Court in a drainage matter. Carslake versus Caulfield Shire and subsequent satisfactory settlement of the case.
Drainage - Alma Road
5. August, 1857 William Hellins and Charles Palmer objecting to a culvert across Alma Road near Bull Street (now Westbury Street) and being liable to damage their respective properties.
6. February, 1862 Hon. T T A'Beckett re drainage of Alma Road through his property into Railway property adjoining.
7. October, 1865 C Thomas asking that the Council's demand for the installation of cess pits at the rear of premises in Alma Road be withdrawn.
8. May, 1857 Petition from 69 residents asking that a system of drainage be provided for the area between Inkerman and Balaclava Roads. Note: The area is believed to be between Inkerman and Carlisle Streets and generally known as the "Balaclava flats".
Drainage - Balaclava area
9. October, 1861 D Sutherland - stormwaters run through his property in Carlisle Street coming from properties in Mort Street (Alexandra Street). A property owner in Mort Street grows water-cress and has diverted the flow into several streams for the purpose.
10. October, 1864 D Sutherland objecting to the raising of the level of Hotham Street to that of Carlisle Street in the vicinity of his property at the North East corner.
11. July, 1863 Mr R W Nutt complaining of damage to his property "Greenmeadows" consequent upon an alteration in the levels of Balaclava Road.
Drainage - Balaclava Road
12. August, 1864 R W Nutt complaint of Council's action in altering levels of Balaclava Road and thereby causing drainage to damage his property "Greenmeadows" with frontages to Balaclava and Orrong Roads.
Drainage - Brighton Road
13. August, 1863 H I Leplastrier complaining of flooding of his land on West side of Brighton Road north of Scott Street.
Drainage - Burnett Street
14. January, 1863 John Mackenzie denying existence of a drainage nuisance on property in Burnett Street corner Princes and Barkly Streets.
Drainage - Camden Street
15. March, 1867 George Brunning - Nurseryman asking permission to lay drainpipes from his nursery South East corner of Inkerman and Camden Streets to connect up with the main drain at Chapel Street. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-D15a HistRec-D15b HistRec-D15c
Drainage - Canterbury Road
16. November, 1874 Chief Secretary's office with reference to works being executed by prison labor on the line of Canterbury Road and particularly the drain improperly formed without the sanction of and contrary to the Council's plans, and stating such drain was formed at the instance of the Victorian Rifle Association but has now been filled up.
Drainage - Chapel Street
17. September, 1862 Ratepayers asking that stormwater channels be laid to drain properties on the east side of Chapel Street between Argyle and Inkerman Streets.
Drainage - Charnwood Road
18. April, 1872 Hon. David Moore with reference to the drainage from his property "Charnwood" and seeking permission to drain into Charnwood Crescent (at present unmade).
Drainage - Government contributions
42. June, 1861 Draft letter to Commissioner for Roads and Bridges setting out reasons why the Government should place a sum on its estimates to assist the Council to meet the cost of works essential to the drainage of the district by reason of floodwaters, being diverted through St Kilda from outlying districts.
43. February, 1864 K E Brodribb MP forwarding copies of correspondence with the Chief Secretary rejecting application by Council for Government assistance on drainage works in St Kilda which had been promised by his predecessors.
Drainage - Grey Street
19. October, 1873 John Currie complaining of drainage in his paddock at "Eildon" Grey Street and seeking an abatement of the nuisance.
Drainage - High Street
20. April, 1857 Petition from Residents asking that storm waters in Brighton Road (High Street) be carried away from Vale Street to a lower level. Note: Contains the signatures of many well-known early residents.
21. May 1857 Central Board of Health report by its Inspector of absence of any system of drainage of lands west of Brighton Road (High Street) from the Junction southwards.
22. September, 1857 Central Road Board enclosing letter from James Hanan in opposition to the proposed open mains drain across Brighton Road (High Street).
23. September, 1857 Central Road Board request for funds to construct channels in Brighton Road (High Street) at Alma Road rejected.
28. September, 1859 Sydney W Smith (City Surveyor) showing the location of the open drain in relation to the boundary of Mr Moses Fraser's land off High Street.
29. October 1857 - July 1861 Synopsis of discussions between the Council and the Central Board of Health concerning the draining of lands between the Brighton Road (High Street) and the sea.
30. 1863 Ratepayers petitioning for the regular removal of sand from the main drain to prevent the flooding of streets in the vicinity of High Street until such time as the drain is metalled.
Drainage - Inkerman Street to Main Drain
32. April and July, 1867 D Nicholson and J Purves agreeing to sell strip of land to connect up with the main drain. Note: Mr Jackson's land was in Inkerman Street South East corner of Barkly Street; Mr Purves' land was in Barkly Street adjacent to Jackson's; Mr Nicholson's land was in Blanche Street abutting the Main Drain. These lands adjoined the Council's depot on its western boundary.
Drainage - Main
24. January, 1858 Stabb & Mewburn Contract No.22 to cut an open drain (Main drain) between High and Barkly Streets.
25. January, 1858 Stabb & Mewburn Contract No.28 to construct a bridge crossing over drain at Acland Street.
26. February, 1858 Stabb & Mewburn Contract No.29 to cut an open drain from High Street to Chapel Street (Main drain).
27. April, 1861 John Morris Contract to cut an open drain from beach to Acland Street and deepen drain to Chapel Street (Main drain).
31. December, 1866 Department of Public Works rejecting request for moneys to complete construction of the Main Drain.
Drainage - Princes Street
33. October, 1864 Henry F Gurner asking permission to lay a pipe along Princes Street towards Fitzroy Street to drain his new house erected at the corner of Princes and Dalgety Streets.
Drainage - Punt Road
34. April, 1857 Town Clerk Prahran drawing attention to dangerous state of a culvert in Punt Road.
35. March, 1858 Town Clerk Prahran construction of a culvert in Punt Road opposite Union Street. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-D35a HistRec-D35b
Drainage - Railway Property
37. March, 1859 Councillor Thomas Hale as Chairman report of his sub-committee on the system of drainage as discussed with property owners in East St Kilda and the St Kilda-Brighton Railway Company.
Drainage - Right of Ways
38. September, 1867 Thomas Farrell - City Inspector with reference to drainage nuisance in right of way off Alma Road through to Somerset Street from properties in High Street between Alma Road and Somerset Street.
Drainage - Robe Street
39. September, 1872 Moritz Michaelis with reference to the Council's requirement that he drain his property in Robe Street.
Drainage - St Kilda and Punt Roads
36. June and July, 1867 John D Loch asking that drainage and storm waters be diverted away from his land bounded by St Kilda and Punt Roads and Union and Henry Streets adjacent to the loop railway line to Windsor.
Drainage - Tennyson Street
40. March, 1870 W H Smith agreeing to a drain being laid through his land in Tennyson Street through to Mitford Street (this drain is along the southern boundary of John Street).
41. April and August, 1870 Edmund Ashley agreeing to convey land to the Council for a drain (this drain runs between Tennyson and Glen Huntly Roads in vicinity of Austin Avenue).
1. September, 1869 Registrar - Melbourne University enclosing regulations for examinations for matriculation and enquiring the number of possible candidates from St Kilda.
2. August, 1872 Secretary Victorian Education League seeking local support for its objectives of compulsory free education for children between ages 6 and 12.
3. June, 1899 Residents petitioning the Council to convene a public meeting to urge the Government to introduce scripture lessons in State Schools.
4. 1885(?) Committee seeking the support of the Council on a proposal to establish Public Scholarships in connection with the Chair of Music to be formed at the University of Melbourne.
5. July, 1861 Requisition signed by Electors for calling a public meeting to enable intending parliamentary candidates to put forward their political views.
6. August, 1865 Council Solicitors (Brodribb & Co) validity of official municipal roll.
7. April, 1860 Electoral lists for the St Kilda West, St Kilda East, Elsternwick Divisions of the District of St Kilda.
Elwood - swamp
8. May, 1862 Surveyors report on drainage of Southern swamp and recommending deepening the slaughter yard creek and running it under the cliff at Point Ormond.
9. January, 1869 Department of Lands & Survey map showing foreshore reserves from Blessington South set aside for public purposes and also the area known as the Elwood Swamp together with the Abattoirs site.
10. March. 1869 Lands Department asking the Council its views on an application by W K Vail to base portion of the swamp lands at Elwood to establish an Equestrian Ground Gymnasium and Sports Ground.
11. February, 1884 Dr W G A'Beckett Council Health Officer reporting urgent need for reclamation of Elwood Swamp area.
12. March, 1884 Central Board of Health forwarding report by Superintending Inspector on need for reclaiming low-lying land called the Elwood Swamp and the removal of piggery owned by Mr Lyons.
13. April, 1884 Department of Lands & Survey rejecting the Council's application to be given control of the unreserved Crown Lands forming the swamp between Mitford and Barkly Streets from Glen Huntly Road to Dickens Street. A copy of the letter is available:HistRec-E13a HistRec-E13b
14. October,1885 Department of Lands & Survey intimating that complete levels over the Elwood Swamp and adjacent streets have been completed but before elaborating a scheme of reclamation it will be necessary for the Council to fix the permanent levels of Mitford Street.
15. October, 1886 Joseph Harris MP and Hon. Simon Fraser informing the Council that they have made representations to the State Treasurer who has promised to have a fresh survey made of the Elwood Swamp with view to placing money on the Estimates for purposes of filling the area.
16. January, 1888 Copy of letter from Mayor (Councillor Geo. Turner) to Minister of Lands protesting at delay in filling the Elwood Swamp and reclaiming 108 acres of land.
17. July, 1888 Newspaper articles on the subject of the Elwood Swamp and the endeavours of the Council to secure its reclamation.
18. January, 1890 Department of Public Works asking that Glen Huntly is to be temporarily closed whilst the bridge is removed to another location during the work of draining the Elwood Swamp lands.
19. August, 1890 Department of Public Works confirming date of deputation to Minister on subject of reclamation works on Elwood Swamp.
20. November, 1890 etc. Department of Public Works enclosing copies of correspondence with contractor re unsatisfactory progress of reclamation of Elwood Swamp.
21. March, 1904 Report of Conference on the best means of improving the sanitary condition of the Elwood Swamp.
22. August, 1863 Department of Trade enquiring if there is any demand for labour locally with view to absorbing expected migrants from UK.
Endowments - Municipalities
23. February, April, July 1863 Municipal Conference office circular letter opposing the report of the Commission of Inquiry into Municipal and Charitable Institutional' on the subject of endowments of land and permanent endowments.
Esplanade slopes
24. October,1861 Thomas Leggett reporting having completed his contract for planting trees and shrubs on the slopes but pointing out that means must be adopted to maintain them and preserve them from the ravages of wandering goats.
25. April, 1857 Sydney W Smith (Council Surveyor) estimating that £800 will be required for streets, roads, and drainage during the present year.
29. June, 1866 F T Van Berkelaer offering to take photographs of St Kilda for inclusion in the Melbourne Exhibition (Intercolonial Exhibition of Australasia).
30. August, 1872 Secretary London International Exhibition of 1873 forwarding rules and regulations relating to exhibits and a list of Commissioners.
31. December, 1872 Secretary London International Exhibition of 1873 asking for photographs of buildings in St Kilda for an Exhibition to be held in Vienna.
32. December, 1872 Samuel Wilson offering a photograph of his home "Oakleigh'Hall" for inclusion in the Vienna Exhibition.
33. February, 1873 Secretary London International Exhibition 1873 suggesting that a duplicate set of photographs of St Kilda residences be sent to London Exhibition as well as Vienna.
34. January, 1879 Secretary Paris Exhibition of 1878 re photographs sent for exhibition will, if not claimed be forwarded to proposed Colonial Museum at South Kensington.
Extinction - fire plugs
21. February, 1871 Melbourne Sewerage and Water Supply branch Public Works Department enclosing map of Borough showing the location of all fireplugs, 42 of which are approved the remainder, not having been applied for in accordance with the Public Works Statute, must be removed.
Financial statements
1. November, 1868 Auditors (Henry Hull & Richard Twentyman) inability to reconcile balance sheet for 30th September 1868 and suggesting improved methods of keeping accounts.
2. November, 1868 Auditor (Henry Hull) refuting certain comments by a Special Auditor" in his report on the Borough's accounts.
3. March,1897 John Hopkins of Carlisle Street, Balaclava petitioning for permission to discharge firearms for the purpose of shooting "shags" which are destroying fish in private and public gardens.
Fire brigade
4. July, 1857 Petition from residents supporting motion before Council and asking that £100 be spent in providing an Engine House and Tower for the use of the St Kilda Volunteer Fire Brigade.
5. June, 1858 William Bencraft, Secretary - Head Fire Station Melbourne offering to provide a fire engine and plant, conditional upon it being available for regular monthly inspection and that the Council be responsible for providing an engine house.
6. May, 1860 Fire Engine Committee first report of Committee on fire fighting equipment available and procedures to be adopted for dealing with fires.
7. September, 1862 Secretary United Insurance Company's Committee setting out the terms and conditions under which it will make available fire fighting equipment and financial assistance to any local brigade formed by the Council.
8. 1863 - 1867 Sergeant Farrell (St Kilda Police) reports on fires in St Kilda attended by the local brigade and fees paid for services rendered thereat.
9. February, 1864 William Bencraft - Secretary Melbourne Fire Brigade advising that in consequence of reductions made by the United Insurance Companies in their contributions, only £50 can be made available to support the local brigade.
10. May, 1864 Rules and Regulations of the St Kilda Municipal Fire Brigade' and minutes of Fire Committee Meeting held 5th May 1864.
11. June, 1865 Superintendent Head Station Fire Brigade advising that the Insurance Company's Fire Brigade Committee has agreed to contribute £50 a year from 1st June towards maintenance of local brigade.
13. January,1867 Superintendent Insurance Companies Fire Brigade enclosing cheque for £12.10.0 as contribution to St Kilda Fire Brigade for quarter ending 31st December 1866.
14. January, 1867 Superintendent Insurance Companies Fire Brigade notifying that as the water supply in St Kilda is inadequate during summer, a Fire Engine will be placed in charge of the St Kilda Fire Brigade. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-F14a HistRec-F14b
15. 1869 St. Kilda Borough Fire Brigade Rules and regulations.
16. October, 1869 Insurance Companies Fire Brigade enclosing copy of the rules and regulations for the management of the Emerald Hill Fire Brigade.
17. May, 1871 Specification of duties of Superintendent of St Kilda Borough Fire Brigade and copy of rules and regulations.
18. August, 1879 Hy Wilson as Captain of St Kilda Union Fire Brigade applying for permission to use street fire plugs both for practice and to put out fires.
19. August,1881 Report by Fire Brigade Committee that the shed adjoining the lock up and premises in Fawkner Street occupied by the Senior and Junior Brigades are inadequate and recommending their transfer to the building in the Market depot.
20. 1883 Correspondence from St Kilda's Senior and Junior Fire Brigades reporting attendance at fires - equipment required and ultimately the steps taken to place both brigades under one control.
Fishing - destruction of "small fry"
22. October, 1858 Town Clerk Melbourne reporting interview with Secretary for Customs on the use of Small Mesh Nets in the bay by Chinese fishermen. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-F22a HistRec-F22b HistRec-F22c HistRec-F22d HistRec-F22e HistRec-F22f HistRec-F22g HistRec-F22h HistRec-F22i
23. October and November, 1858 Collector of Customs and the Hon. H S Chapman also the Town Clerk of Geelong proposal to introduce legislation to prohibit the use in the bay of nets less than 1inch mesh too prevent the destruction by Chinese fishermen of "small fry".
Floods - River Yarra
24. December, 1866 Town Clerk Brighton forwarding copy of his Council's resolution concerning the need for the Government to take steps to prevent the flooding of the Yarra.
25. September,1869 T Wall enclosing suggested schemes for relief from the Yarra floods.
Football - St Kilda Club
26. May, 1873 and February, 1874 George Skinner, Secretary applying on behalf of St Kilda Football Club permission to play on the paddock (Alpaca Reserve) adjoining the Bowling Green, Fitzroy Street.
27. June, 1874 Secretary St Kilda Football Club opposing application by Education Department to erect a school adjoining the Bowling Green in the Albert Park as it would deprive the Club of the ground it has used and cleared.
28. February, 1877 St Kilda Football Club asking permission to fence in the portion of the Alpaca Reserve in the Albert Park used by it for the last four seasons.
Foreshore - control of beaches
31. 1860 and 1861 Town Clerk Brighton forwarding correspondence from Lands Department on the control of beach frontages with view to preventing destruction of trees etc and from Superintendent of Military Works on need for preserving the scrub trees to "enable the effective defence of the harbours".
Fountains - drinking
32. November, 1866 Sydney Smith (Town Surveyor) asking for instructions as to location Council desires fountains to be erected on foreshore. Note: Fountains were built by Joseph Laughton of Vulcan Foundry, 59 A'Beckett Street Melbourne, 3rd November 1866.
Fruit vendors
33. March, 1859 Police St Kilda reporting action taken against vendors of fruit occupying stands on the Esplanade footpaths on Sundays and holidays
1. September, 1858 Town Clerk, Ballarat seeking support in its representations to the Government for the appointment of Visiting Magistrates for the purpose of framing regulations for the management of Gaols in their respective districts.
Gas supplies
9. August, 1876 City of Melbourne Gas and Coke Co referring to recent proposals discussed by St Kilda and Prahran Councils for the establishment of a Municipal Gas Works and setting out its views and reasons why some dissatisfaction has been expressed at the supplies of gas made available for street lighting and enclosing schedules showing the Company's financial commitments.
10. October, 1876 Report by Committee recommending a poll of ratepayers on whether the Council should undertake the establishment of a Municipal Gas Works. Result of poll held 25th October 1876 rejecting the proposal.
11. January, 1879 Conference of Representatives of Municipal Authorities on the subject of the operation of the Metropolitan Gas Company's Act 1877 in relation to gas supplies in various municipalities.
12. November, 1892 Town Clerk Melbourne forwarding report of sub-committee appointed by Conference of Municipalities relative to the quality of gas supplies and recommendations in regard thereto.
Gas supply
2. June, 1858 City of Melbourne Gas and Coke Co asking what streets have been brought to permanent levels, as the Company proposes to extend its mains into St Kilda, the first shipment of pipes being daily expected.
3. August, 1858 City of Melbourne Gas and Coke Co advising preparations have been made to lay mains for supplying gas to inhabitants of St Kilda and asking for the Council's approval.
4. September, 1858 City of Melbourne Gas and Coke Co notifying intention to lay mains and pipes in streets identified on plan for the supply of gas to inhabitants. Note: No plan attached to letter.
5. November, 1858 St Kilda and Prahran Gas Co statement by Chairman (Benjamin Cowderoy) on financial and share position of Company at meeting held 12th October, 1858 convened by the provisional Directors.
6. April, 1859 City of Melbourne Gas and Coke Co promising to furnish the Council with a plan of its mains in St Kilda.
7. October, 1875 Report of Committees appointed by Prahran and St Kilda Councils to consider the advisability of establishing a joint Municipal Gas Works.
8. November, 1875 Geo Higinbotham opinion on the Council's power to make and sell gas for supply to public lamps and places and to the general public.
"Glen Huntly" - fever victims
13. May, 1862 Department of Public Works agreeing to repair fences round the graves of the "Glen Huntly" victims at the Red Bluff.
14. 1881 Correspondence from a passenger in the ship "Glen Huntly' setting out details of the deaths occurring on the voyage in 1840, the subsequent burials at Point Ormond and the quarantining of all passengers. Also an old print showing the nameless graves.
15. January, 1863 Geo Brunning of Brighton Road asking permission to discharge a gun to destroy goats damaging the shrubs and flowers at his nursery in Argyle Street east.
16. December, 1868 Melbourne and Hobson's Bay United Railway Co agreeing to cooperate in steps to suppress the nuisance caused by goats in the Alma Park reserve and railway lands adjacent.
17. August, 1870 Department of Lands & Survey suggesting a by-Law be made for registration and control of goats.
18. May, 1873 Residents South St Kilda drawing attention to the annoyance and damage occasioned by the number of goats wandering apparently without ownership.
Government grants
19. January, 1858 Town Clerk (D Prophet) St Kilda - circular to ratepayers asking that the rate be paid promptly, as for every pound of current rate not paid, the Council will lose upwards of £2 of the Government's "Grant in aid".
20. November, 1858 Chairman Municipal Conference Office suggested representations be made to local Members of Parliament to secure amendments to the proposal to apportion to Melbourne and Geelong Councils, amounts from Government Grants that would otherwise be distributed to Suburban and Country Municipalities.
21. June, 1859 Statutory declaration by the Chairman of the Council and the Town Clerk as to the amount of rates received from the 1st May 1858 to the 30th April 1859. Note: Government Grants were made available to Councils on the basis of rates received.
22. July 1859 to May 1861 State Treasury method of apportionment and amounts allocated to Municipalities by way of "Grants in aid".
23. February, 1860 Residents of St Kilda requesting convening of a public meeting to protest against Government's refusal to legislate for repayment to the Council moneys expended since 1857 on the "Government Main Brighton Road". Note: Approximately 90 signatures of leading citizens.
24. May, 1860 James Stewart Johnston MLA acknowledging the Council's thanks for his assistance in obtaining moneys for works carried out.
25. January, 1864 St Kilda Council to State Attorney General presenting a case for inclusion in the Schedule for a Government endowment those Councils created from 1857 and not on those created in 1855 whose subsidy was reduced. Note: Details of grants already received are listed.
"Granny's" fruit stall
26. February, 1865 "Granny" advising that her stall on the Upper Esplanade opposite the Royal Hotel was damaged in recent storms and asks permission to re-erect it inside the railings, and subsequent letter thanking the Council for erecting the stall on the new site.
27. December, 1870 "Granny" asking for financial help. At the age of 87 she is finding it increasingly difficult to maintain her little shop on the Esplanade. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-G27a HistRec-G27b HistRec-G27c HistRec-G27d
1. September, 1889 Town Clerk Melbourne copy of reply to the President of the Central Board of Health concerning the provisions of the Health Laws Amendment Bill now before Parliament.
2. January, 1890 Chairman, Central Board, Public Health Department thanking the Council for its expressions of good will and for the harmonious relationships between the local Board and the Central Board of Health.
3. December, 1863 Report by the Local Board of Health in relation to the health of the District for the half year.
4. January, 1864 Health Officer (Dr F T Van Hemert) half yearly report of local sanitary conditions for period ending 31st December 1863 containing statistical information.
5. September, 1864 Dr F T Van Hemert (Health Officer) annual report to 30th June, 1864 including statistics of births, deaths and infectious diseases.
6. November, 1892 Dr W A'Beckett Health Officer comments regarding the report by Dr D A Gresswell on Asiatic Cholera.
7. July, 1863 Dr F Van Hemert suggesting the establishment of a Hospital or Institution where Medical aid and advice may be given gratuitously to the poor.
8. July, 1864 Clerk of Petty Sessions list of persons to whom Hotel Licenses issued. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-H8a HistRec-H8b
9. September, 1858 Samuel Morey having obtained a License as Publican at the Inkerman Hotel, he asks for a lamp to be erected at the corner of Inkerman and Balston Streets.
10. March, 1865 Justices - St Kilda certificate authorising issue of a publican's license to Michael O'Connor in respect of the Inkerman Hotel, Inkerman Street.
11. August, 1860 Sydney W Smith - City Surveyor report on condition of St Kilda Club Hotel, Fitzroy Street building after portions destroyed by fire in October 1859.
13. September, 1871 Sydney Smith (Borough Surveyor) reporting the condition of the Greyhound Hotel structure formerly the Inverness Castle Hotel corner Brighton Road and Blessington Street.
14. May, 1870 William Nott complaining of vehicles damaging his property Grosvenor Hotel by deviating from Brighton Road to Brunnings Nursery.
Inspectors reports
1. 19th January, 1859 to 5th September, 1860
2. September, 1879 Forms of Petition to Parliament stressing the need for the inauguration of a national system of canals throughout Victoria.
Justices of the Peace
1. January, 1865 Town Clerk Melbourne seeking support of the objection to the insertion in the Justice of the Peace laws, a provision depriving the Mayor of Melbourne of the precedence which he now has in Magisterial Courts in the city.
Land acquisition
2. September, 1859 Benjamin Cowderoy declining the Council's appointment to act as Arbitrator in a land compensation claim, the conditions attaching to such appointment, limiting his costs to 6 guineas being unacceptable.
Land - sales by Crown
3. August, 1857 Emerald Hill Council seeking support in its request that under the new Lands Bill - the Governor-in-Council has power to grant to Councils unsold Crown Lands within their respective districts.
4. August, 1859 Department Surveyor General rejecting the Council's request that land on the West Bench front (Beaconsfield Parade) be withdrawn from sale. Note: Sketch plan attached.
Land transfer
5. August, 1865 Council's Solicitors (Brodribb & Co) enclosing conveyance deed (in the form of a Feofment) for execution.
6. June, 1860 Report of Public Meeting held to consider the suggestion that the Council make a contribution of £100 towards the purchase of books for the Mechanics Institute.
7. September, 1860 Mechanics Institute Committee applying for £50 to enable books to be purchased.
8. October, 1860 Statement by Library Committee report of activities, expenditure and books, papers, magazines purchased.
9. November, 1860 Secretary of the Mechanics Institute acknowledging the Council's offer to vote £500 towards the purchase of land and the erection of a building for a Free Public Library and Mechanics Institute provided the Committee raise a like sum.
10. August, 1861 Memorial from ratepayers risking that a sum of £100 be paid to further the objects of the Mechanics Institute (now nearing completion of the second year of its operations) and supporting application from Its Secretary.
11. January, 1864 William B Stephens enclosing price list of English newspapers and magazines.
12. January and April 1864 Augustus Tulk, Melbourne Public Librarian concerning regulations for the management of Suburban Free Libraries.
13. March 1864 and October 1869 Melbourne Public Library re the supply of books to the local library and the insurance of books already held.
14. July, 1864 Walter Wilson (Librarian) reporting attendances at library during month of June 1864.
15. January, 1866 W Wilson (Librarian) report on library attendances from August 1865 to January 1866.
17. June, 1881 Mr Batten, Librarian reporting on book stocks and issues.
18. June, 1868 L Vanderanwers offering to sell his lifeboat.
Lighting - streets
19. July, 1857 Town Clerk Melbourne (E G Fitzgibbon) advising his Council's rejection of St Kilda's request to be supplied with three lamp pillars recently imported but offering to sell other lamps and pillars previously used In the city.
20. August, 18 Copy of Indenture between Melbourne City Council and the City of Melbourne Gas and Coke Co for the lighting of streets and buildings within the limits of the City of Melbourne.
21. April, 1858 Edwin Fowler asking that a lamp be erected at Dr. Black's corner (Junction of Wellington and Chapel Streets) and one on the hill opposite Mr Germaine Nicholson's gate Wellington Street.
23. May, 1858 Town Clerk - Prahran answering this Council's enquiry as to whether it would join in a move to light Wellington Street and advising that as no steps have been taken to light any portion of Prahran Municipality' the suggestion cannot be entertained.
24. September, 1859 City of Melbourne Gas and Coke Co agreement to light by gas - 28 lamps and such additional lamps as may be erected from time to time.
25. August, 1860 K. E. Brodribb (counsel) opinion on deductions made by Council for gas deficiencies to public street lamps.
26. February, 1861 City of Melbourne Gas and Coke Co asking the Council not to invoke penal clauses in the contract to supply gas to street lamps as the company was Impeded in making sufficient gas available because of recent floods.
27. June. 1862 Melbourne Gas Company rates of charges for lighting public street lamps in adjoining Municipalities.
28. July, 1863 T Stocks (Lamplighter) asking the Council to bear part of the expenses of restoring glass and Chimneys of street lamps broken by vandals.
29. September, 1864 City of Melbourne Gas and Coke Co setting out terms under which it would light public street lamps in St Kilda with gas.
30. March, 1865 Town Clerk Prahran asking for conference with view to improving lighting in Wellington Street and Dandenong Road.
31. July, 1865 Tennyson Street ratepayers asking for lamps at Intersections of Tennyson Street and Dickens and Milton Streets.
32. August, 1865 Town Clerk Melbourne agreeing to request for lighting St Kilda Road between Melbourne and St Kilda by installing 20 lamps 6 chains apart.
33. June, 1869 Ratepayers petitioning for the re-locating of a lamp in Fitzroy Street and its re-erection at the corner of Fitzroy and Barkly Streets.
34. November, 1866 John Burns re completion of the year's Contract for lighting public lamps and asking for remission of fines imposed when certain lamps were not lit.
36. February, 1871 Residents in vicinity asking for a gas lamp at or near corner of Barkly and Gurner Streets.
Liquor licences
37. November, 1866 Secretary Royal Commission seeking views of the Council in answer to questions set out.
38. May, 1864 Opinion of Counsel (Mr T H Fellowes) on the Council's liability to contribute its proportion of Gabrielli loan after seceding from the City of Melbourne.
39. October, 1864 Town Clerk Fitzroy objecting to Melbourne City Council's demand for payment of proportion of commission and exchange on the Gabrielli loan and seeking St Kilda's views on a similar claim.
40. May, 1869 Circular to Ratepayers by the Council information on proposals to borrow money for the purposes set out (66 items) and means of repayment.
41. August, 1882 Schedule of Works of proposed loan of £25,000.
43. February, 1887 Schedules of Works in connection with proposed loan of £90,000.
44. December, 1887 Extract Victoria Government Gazette containing schedule of works for proposed loan of £100,000.
45. March, 1888 Council's proposals to issue debentures for a loan of £100,000 from oversees.
46. August, 1893 Council's reasons for applying to Parliament for authority to vary application of loan moneys.
Lodges - Order of Oddfellows
47. October. 1865 Secretary seeking the Mayor's patronage on behalf of the Grand United Order of Oddfellows.
Manure - depot
1. November, 1868 and February, 1869 Central Board of Health complaints of and subsequent decision to remove the Manure depot (adjacent to the Abattoirs).
3. December, 1872 Sydney W. Smith (former Borough Surveyor) agreeing to prepare plan of St Kilda for the sum of £210. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-M3a HistRec-M3b
4. March, 1862 H F Gurner and others requesting the calling of a public meeting to discuss the establishing of a public market in St. Kilda.
5. April, 1867 Minutes of Public Meeting held 10th April 1867 enclosing resolutions favouring the establishment of a market within the Borough.
6. May, 1867 Minutes of Citizens Committee Meeting relative to the establishment of a public market.
7. May, 1867 Hon. Secretary Citizens Committee submitting an offer by J Farmer to sell his land in Inkerman Street for use as a market. The land being approximately 220 by 300 east of Greeves Street and abutting Market Street.
8. August and September 1867 Minutes of several meetings of the Market Committee relative to the establishment of the Markets including the site etc.
9. September, 1867 Public Meeting resolution approving the action to be taken to establish a permanent public market and asking that action be taken in respect of the site already selected.
10. September, 1867 D. Nicholson, J Purves and S Jackson offering to sell portion of their lands for the erection of public market buildings. Note: See also Drainage - Inkerman Street which relates to the same land.
11. November, 1867 The Council's "Order" directing the execution of works and the compulsory taking of land to establish the Market - such "Order" duly sealed by the Board of Land and Works.
Memorial Hall - Acland Street
13. July, 1934 Copy of Deed of Trust issued out of the Supreme Court in the matter of the Trusts of St Kilda Soldiers Memorial Hall.
Municipal associations
14. March 1857 and June 1857 G F Verdon, Chairman - Municipal Conference Standing Committee on the matter of the need for a Municipal Institutions Bill for the actual working of Municipal affairs and enclosing copy of by-laws and sundry guide forms.
15. January. 1860 Hon. Secretary Municipal Conference replying to this Council's complaint of non-receipt of meeting notice.
16. September, 1860 Secretary Municipal Conference asking for the Council's contribution of £5 towards administrative costs.
Municipal offices
18. March, 1857 Chief Commissioner of Police advising that the request to use the Court House as Municipal Offices will be considered. Note: Police Station and Court House were then situated near corner of St Kilda and Punt Roads. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-M18a HistRec-M18b
Municipality - Proclamation as a City
30. February, 1890 Ratepayers petitioning the Council to consider the question of having the borough proclaimed a City.
Newspapers - Circulation
1. July, 1865 "Herald" newspaper giving details of its circulation in metropolitan districts.
Nightsoil - Removal
2. May, 1866 Clerk of the Legislative Assembly evidence given to Parliamentary Select Committee on removal of nightsoil in St Kilda.
3. 1884 Ratepayers - 204 signatures petitioning the Council to examine the patented system of the Domestic Sanitary Company's facilities for the removal of nightsoil with view to its introduction by the Municipality Instead of by a private company.
4. January, 1866 Charles D'Ebro and Co forwarding copy of his proposals for the treatment and removal of Town, Trade, Refuse and Nightsoil.
Notice boards
5. May, 1857 Contract No. 1A with John Deane to erect Notice Boards and Bathing Notices (£7.10.8).
6. July, 1857 Contract No.5 with John Deane to erect boards and finger posts at and to the Manure depot near the Slaughter yards, Elwood (£7.10.0).
Numbering houses
7. October, 1890 Town Clerk Melbourne suggesting the allocation of numbers to properties in Hoddle Street (Punt Road) commencing at the
Officers - applicants for appointments as Rate Collector
13. John Gent - 20th August, 1896 Duncan Walls - 24th August, 1896 W V McCall - 25th August, 1896
Officers - Curator
1. October, 1872 R Kimpton agreement with Council on duties of Gardener at Blessington Street gardens and his occupation of the lodge.
Officers - Health Officer
2. September, 1864 Dr F T Van Hemert tendering his resignation as Health Officer owing to pressure of other duties.
3. January, 1868 Dr F T Van Hemert offering his services as Health Officer for the sum of £50 per annum.
4. February, 1868 Dr W G A'Beckett accepting the office of Health Officer to the Borough at a salary of £20 per annum.
5. March, 1868 Central Board of Health appointment of Dr W G A'Beckett as Health Officer.
6. March, 1868 Health Department approving the appointment of Dr W G A'Beckett as Health Officer.
7. March, 1869 Dr W G A'Beckett asking for a review of his salary as Health Officer.
Officers - Herdsman
39. January 1858 and February 1860 Department of Lands appointment of Patrick Devereaux as Town Herdsman of the cattle run, also conditions for 1860 license with a description of the area of the Town Common.
40. March, 1872 Ratepayers petitioning for the permanent appointment of Mathew Lyons as Town Herdsman.
Officers - Inspector of Nuisances
8. April, 1857 Chief Commissioner of Police offering no objection to the appointment of Sergeant Reid as Inspector of Nuisances.
9. October 1864 and October 1867 Chief Commissioner of Police offering no objection to Sergeant Farrell being appointed Inspector of Nuisances and later as Inspector of Slaughter Yards.
10. October, 1873 Chief Commissioner of Police approving the appointment of Sergeant Holmes as Inspector of Nuisances and Inspector of Slaughter Yards.
11. November, 1886 William Cowper Greaves applying for the position of Inspector to which he was subsequently appointed.
Officers - Rate Collector and Valuer
12. November, 1874 W Wilson - Rate Collector and Valuer applying for a salary Increase from £200 per annum for reasons given.
Officers - Solicitor
14. August, 1859 Applications for appointment from J Wigley, C P Purcell, J Tranchard and T Wilson and recommendation from A Michie in favour of Mr Purcell.
15. June, 1860 K E Brodribb accepting the appointment of Solicitor to the Council.
16. October, 1864 Mr R E Brodribb notifying his intention to go overseas for 12 months and suggesting his partners be appointed during his absence. The Council thereupon appointed Messrs Brodribb, Crisp & Lewis as its solicitors which was accepted.
17. June, 1867 Crisp & Lewis setting out the terms of the agreement whereby Mr Brodribb had transferred to them the legal appointments he formerly held under the partnership of Brodribb, Crisp & Lewis.
18. January, 1873 K Brodribb resigning from position of Solicitor and recommending appointment of his successor Mr Budd.
19. May, 1873 Vaughan, Maule & Seddon declining the offer to appoint them Solicitors to the Council for a specified purpose only.
20. February, 1873 Crisp, Lewis & Wilks referring to the resignation of Mr Brodribb as Solicitor and seeking the appointment in his stead.
21. March and April 1884 Joseph Woolf seeking a withdrawal of criticisms by a Councillor on his handling of the Councillor defence in the court action and claim for damages in Newman versus The Mayor.
Officers - Surveyor
22. March, 1857 Chairinan (A F Sargood) Prahran Council asking views of St Kilda Council on suggestion that a Surveyor be appointed for the two Municipalities.
23. March, 1857 Town Clerk (Mr John Craven) Prahran Council advising withdrawal of previous proposal for a Surveyor to serve the two Municipalities.
24. January, 1863 Town Clerk Prahran agree to confer on the subject of having one Surveyor to serve both Municipal Districts.
25. September, 1872 James Daskein resigning from the office of Borough Surveyor.
26. September, 1872 R H Shakespear applying for the appointment of Borough Surveyor.
27. April, 1875 Sydney W. Smith (former Borough Surveyor) asking for a testimonial under seal covering his appointment as Borough Surveyor from 1857 to 1872.
28. June, 1882 Department of Lands & Survey conditions under which the Department will accept survey plans prepared by Municipal Surveyors and Engineers. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-O28a HistRec-O28b
29. December, 1882 G R B Steane acknowledging and accepting his appointment as Borough Surveyor.
30. June, 1884 G R B Steane advising that he proposes tendering his resignation as Borough Surveyor as soon as bulk of present contracts for work have been substantially completed.
Officers - Town Clerk
31. August, 1857 List of applicants for position of Town Clerk. Note: It is not clear whether this is a list of the applicants for the first Town Clerk ship or the second. The list seems to indicate the latter for D Prophet (marked 1) was appointed in August 1857 consequent upon the resignation of W Goldie (appointed in March 1857 but who resigned on 26th August 1557) yet W Goldie is on this list and marked as if he were the 6th to be preferred.
32. May, 1858 Town Clerk (David Prophet) giving reasons for tendering his resignation from the position.
33. May, 1858 Town Clerk (David Prophet) enclosing cheque for petty cash balances held by him.
34. June, 1858 J Westley enclosing account for his services as Acting Town Clerk since the retirement of the Town Clerk (Mr D Prophet) on 12th May.
35. March, 1859 Chief Secretary appointment of Town Clerk (E Bradshaw) as Electoral Registrar.
36. August and September, 1868 E. Bradshaw correspondence on the subject of his illness, his explanations concerning toll funds and his subsequent suspension and resignation from the office of Town Clerk.
37. March, 1879 Geo Sprigg applying for leave of absence owing to ill health.
38. March, 1880 Geo Sprigg, Town Clerk applying for 3 months leave of absence for health reasons.
Officers - Valuer
41. October, 1864 Henry Wilkinson valuers declaration.
42. June, 1878 Henry Hoyt applying for a stand for his Mail Omnibuses at the Royal Hotel Esplanade and corner Fitzroy and High Streets.
43. July, 1878 Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Co (per Sydney Smith - Architect) asking for a level crossing in High Street at entrance to the road leading to the Company's property.
44. August, 1878 Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Co (per Sydney Smith - Architect) seeking repairs to road and channels of right of way leading from Brighton Road to Company's property. Note: (?) where was the property.
45. September, 1878 Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Co applying for a temporary stand for 4 wheeled omnibuses at the Village Belle Hotel.
Pier or jetty
1. April, 1857 Department of Public Works enclosing copy of petition asking that a pier or jetty be provided at St. Kilda.
2. July 1858 to 1870 Public Works Department re control of the St Kilda Jetty and the expenditure of moneys for its repair and completion.
3. November, 1858 Chairman (St Kilda Council) draft letter to Parliamentary Member seeking funds to carry out the construction of the pier to its agreed length - the existing accommodation being Inadequate.
4. September, 1859 Sydney W Smith (City Surveyor) giving an estimate of the cost of the proposed extension of the Pier.
5. October, 1864 Department of Public Works enclosing soundings at the jetty at St Kilda.
6. February, 1873 Secretary Victoria Yacht Club suggesting a Council Committee confer with Club as to best site for formation of a breakwater for anchorage of small craft.
7. July, 1873 Chief Secretary agreeing to receive a deputation on the subject of the construction of a breakwater.
8. October and December 1877 S Cooke (Captain St Kilda Sailing Club) referring to the Government's intention to place on its estimates a sum to extend the St Kilda Pier and seeking support for its suggestion that the scheme embody a breakwater for the protection of small craft and subsequent advice of the Minister's concurrence.
9. June, 1880 Victoria Yacht Club proposing to make representations to the Port to complete the plan of the Inspector of Public Works for extensions to the Pier and the construction of a breakwater appointing Club delegates and asking for the Council's support.
10. June, 1883 Department of Trade and Customs notifying that a recommendation will be made to place money on estimates to extend the Jetty by 300 feet and an extension of 500 feet in a north-westerly direction to form a breakwater.
11. February, 1893 Department of Trade and Customs agreeing to dredge to a depth of 10 feet at the end of St Kilda Pier in accordance with the report of the Ports and Harbours Engineer.
12. June, 1894 Huddart Parker & Co suggested improvements to the St Kilda Pier to give continued encouragement for its excursion steamers to call there and seeking the Council's support in its representations to the Minister for Trade and Customs and enclosing memos from the Captains of the steamers "Hygeia" and "Ozone". A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-P12a HistRec-P12b HistRec-P12c HistRec-P12d HistRec-P12e
13. October, 1912 St Kilda Yacht Club enclosing draft agreement with the Council covering its contribution towards the construction of the Breakwater, to cost £7,000. The cost to be £1,000 each from the Club, the Shore Committee and the Council and the Government to bear the remainder.
Pier or jetty - Prison hulk
14. September, 1890 Department of Trade and Customs asking if there is any objection to the granting of an application to berth the old prison hulk "Success" at the north side of the St Kilda Pier till the end of the ensuing summer season.
Pigs - Keeping of
15. December, 1873 Sydney W Smith (former Borough Surveyor) referring to the Council's proposed by-law to prohibit the keeping of pigs advising the conditions under which he keeps one on his property "Farncombe" Princes Street and asking permission to retain it.
Point Ormond - Red Bluff
16. November, 1863 Lands Department approving the Council's request for permission to move gravel from the foot of the bluff but not from the crest.
25. December, 1859 Chief Commissioner Police advising that the Sergeant of Police at St Kilda has been appointed Inspector of Slaughter Yards. August 1859 and April 1860
26. Public Works Office notifying plans are being prepared for a lock up and quarters in St Kilda and subsequent advice of their completion.
Police - establishment of District
17. March, 1854 Victoria Government Gazette Proclamation of Melbourne and Districts (including St Kilda) as Police Districts and describing the operative boundaries.
Police - Court of Petty Sessions
18. October, 1854 Victoria Government Gazette Proclamation of the constitution and appointment of the Court of Petty Sessions to be held in the New Court House at the Police Station St Kilda. Note: The Police Station was in the area forming the apex of land at the corner of St Kilda and Punt Roads.
20. January, 1858 Public Works Office agreeing to make provision for the erection of a Court House.
21. March. 1859 Public Works Office advising that the building formerly occupied as a Court House is now required for Police purposes.
22. March and April 1859 Public Works Office re transfer of Court House and its occupation for temporary municipal purposes.
23. April, 1859 Public Works Office agreeing that the Court House recently erected be conveyed to the Council on condition that the building be made available not only for their own Court but also for a Territorial Court.
24. April, 1859 Crown Law Department on the matter of establishing at St Kilda a Municipal Court of Petty Sessions as distinct from the District Court.
27. July, 1860 Petition to Legislative Assembly praying that the Chairmen of Municipal Councils be given precedence in all Courts of Petty Sessions held within their respective districts.
28. March, 1862 Department of Public Works advising that the Court House has been transferred to the Municipality.
29. May, 1873 - Chief Commissioner Police Replying to the Council's suggestion that the St Kilda Police Station should be removed to a more central location in the Borough. Note: At this date the Police Station was located at the St Kilda Junction.
30. September, 1878 To the Chief Secretary copy of letter from Justices sitting at Court of Petty Sessions St Kilda recommending promotion of 1st class Sergeant Holmes.
Police - Magistrates
19. 1857 (approx) List of Magistrates.
31. July, 1857 PMG Department seeking interview to discuss arrangements for establishing a carrier delivery service in St Kilda.
32. July, 1857 PMG Department setting out details of arrangements made on the matter of letter deliveries and the locations and nature of business to be transacted in the temporary post office in Mr Matthews Chemist shop, Robe Street before ultimate transference to Brighton Road (High Street).
33. December. 1857 PMG Department notifying mail delivery and closing times and that a receiving box will be opened opposite the "Greyhound" and at Mr Matthews Chemist shop in Robe Street.
34. February, 1858 E H Phillips notifying his appointment as Postmaster and soliciting help in obtaining an increase in salary because of increased business. Note: The request is supported by a statement showing the amount of mail passing through the St Kilda Post Office for half-years in 1856 and 1857.
35. February,1858 Secretary - Postal Department responding to representations made by the Council for an increase in the St Kilda Postmaster's salary and advising it will be increased from the commencement of 1858.
36. March, 1860 PMG Department advising that postal deliveries have been extended eastwards to Orrong Road.
37. December, 1868 Town Clerk Ballarat enlisting support for the movement to obtain a Penny Postage rate and a uniform flat rate of 1/- for telegrams.
38. March, 1869 Town Clerk Hawthorn forwarding for consideration a suggestion for telegraphic communication between Melbourne and Suburbs.
39. March, 1875 Ratepayers petition approving the site purchased by the Government for a Post and Telegraph Office on the South East corner of Inkerman and High Streets.
40. March, 1875 Ratepayers alleging it would be a hardship for the principal inhabitants of St Kilda if a Post Office were to be erected at the corner of Inkerman and High Streets and suggesting that as the bulk of the telegraphic and postal service came from residents "on the hill", facilities should be continued in the existing premises. Note: A room in a chemist's shop in High Street near Alma Road.
41. March, 1875 Department of Public Works agreeing to the Council's request for a deferment of the acceptance of a tender for the erection of a new Post Office for one month to afford ratepayers an opportunity of providing a site other than the one on the South East corner of Inkerman and High Streets.
42. April, 1875 Department of Public Works notifying the acceptance of a tender for the election of a Post and Telegraph Office at the corner of Inkerman and High Streets.
43. September, 1884 Postmaster General's Department advising that additional letter carriers will shortly be employed to facilitate earlier morning delivery. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-P43a HistRec-P43b
44. December 1857 and February 1864 Department of Lands grant of a two-acre site corner Alexandra Street and Alma Road for a pound and subsequent request for an increased area rejected.
45. October, 1863 G R Marsack (Keeper of Municipal Pound South West corner of Alma Road and Alexandra Street) submitting report on its condition and financial return.
46. December, 1863 G R Marsack (Pound Keeper) as the Yan Yean is being laid in Alma Road, a water pipe should be provided to water the cattle in the pound.
47. September, 1873 Residents petitioning for the removal of the pound at the corner of Alma Road and Mort Street (Alexandra Street) and enclosing copy of their representations to the Lands Department that the site should be sold.
48. October. 1873 Department of Lands & Survey notifying the receipt of a request from residents in vicinity asking that the Pound at the corner of Alma Road and Mort Street (Alexandra Street) be abolished and the land sold and requesting the Council's views.
49. March, 1874 Department of Lands & Survey advising that the old Pound site corner Alma Road and Mort Street will be offered for sale on 14th April 1874 - upset price £1.50 per acre.
50. April, 1874 Department of Lands & Survey intimating that the application to sell the Pound site has been granted subject to the Council being paid the value of improvements thereon valued at £70 provided the Council spend such sum in procuring accommodation for the Pound elsewhere and indicating that the Education Department has been granted the site for a State School conditional upon it paying the Council the £70 above referred to.
51. August, 1883 Department of Lands & Survey pointing out that the Blessington Street Reserve has been permanently reserved as a site for recreation and cannot therefore be used as a site for a Pound. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-P51a HistRec-P51b
52. October, 1883 Matthew Lyons offering his paddock in Dickens Street as a Pound and agreeing to act as Pound Keeper if paid the pastorage fees charged for impounded cattle.
Powder magazine and hulks etc
53. January, 1894 Deputation to Customs Commissioner seeking the removal of the powder magazine from Maribyrnong and the Dynamite Hulks from the Bay.
54. February, 1859 Mason & Firth tender for printing Municipal roll.
1. August and November, 1857 Department of Lands grant of temporary use of land near Stony Creek south of Williamstown for quarrying stone.
2. September, 1857 Paul Joske protesting at high taxes on his recently occupied house in Hoddle Street (Barkly Street) and the presence of a very large water hole (originally a quarry) on the north side of his house. Note: The 1st rate book shows him to be the owner of a brick 6 roomed building with stables in Barkly Street, North of Alma Road (ie going towards the Junction).
3. March, 1858 John Green petitioning to continue making bricks on land occupied by him for two years near the Village Belle and containing signatures of many residents. He claims to have a contract to make 100,000 bricks. Note: the first rate book shows his brickyard to be 250 feet off Acland Street, the 2nd rate book describes it 250 feet Albert Street.
Race meetings
1. December, 1868 Robert Henry applying for permission to conduct the annual race meeting and sports on "the Common" as usual on Boxing Day. Note: The racetrack was somewhere South and West of the corner of Barkly and Blessington Streets.
2. 1857 Copy of letter from Council to Governor-in-Council concerning the width of Fitzroy Street and the encroachment thereon by the Hobsons Bay Railway Co.
3. May and June 1857 Department of Lands with reference to the fence encroaching on Fitzroy Street erected by the Melbourne and Hobsons Bay Railway Co.
4. June, 1857 Petition from residents asking the Chairman of the Municipality to convene a public meeting to adopt measures to remove an encroachment by the Hobsons Bay Railway Co in Fitzroy Street. Notes: The petition contains the signatures of the earliest residents and land owners in this locality (West Ward).
5. July, 1857 Department of Lands replying to the Council's protest at the action of the Hobsons Bay Railway Co taking sand from the reserve to form the Railway embankment.
6. August, 1857 Melbourne and Hobsons Bay Railway Co seeking a meeting with the Council to discuss proposed alterations to the width of Fitzroy Street. Subsequently agreeing to a meeting at the Court 'House (Punt Road) on 26th August 1857.
7. November, 1857 Melbourne and Hobsons Bay Railway Co asking if the Council will undertake to restore to its original state that portion of the St Kilda Railway station grounds which it had consented to relinquish for a sum to be agreed upon.
8. December, 1857 Melbourne and Hobsons Bay Railway Co thanking the Council for its offer to restore to its original state the portion of the St Kilda Railway station yards to be given up, but rejecting the terms and indicating it will do the work itself.
9. January and March 1859 Secretary, Caulfield Roads Board asking the Council to assist in having the fence removed (placed there by the St Kilda Brighton Railway Co) which obstructs Glen Eira Road. The Board contends the crossing over the line at Maryville Street is dangerous in consequence of a drain made by the Railways.
10. April, 1859 Railways Department inviting the Council to be present at the interview with the Chairman Hobsons Bay Railway Co relative to the obstruction of Glen Eira Road by the Railway fences.
11. April, 1859 Caulfield Roads Board agreeing to join the Council in its protest to the Government against the closing of Glen Eira Road by the St Kilda Brighton Railway Co.
12. May, 1859 Department of Lands enclosing tracing showing the arrangements approved for the railway crossing at Glen Eira Road by the St Kilda Brighton Railway Co.
13. September, 1859 Residents of St Kilda petitioning the Council to hold a public meeting to express views on the need for a railway station on the St Kilda Brighton line at or near Inkerman Street.
14. June, 1859 Town Clerk Brighton forwarding report by a select Committee appointed to enquire into the subject of railway extensions from Brighton to the Coal Fields near Cape Patterson.
15. July and August, 1859 Department of Lands & Survey rejecting proposals and affirming the arrangements with the St Kilda Brighton Railway Co for level crossings at Glen Eira Road and Maryville Street.
16. December, 1860 Town Clerk Prahran declining to join St Kilda in proceedings against the St Kilda Brighton Railway Co on matter of drainage of Punt Road at the Railway bridge.
17. April and May 1861 copies of correspondence between Municipal Chairman (Councillor Cowderoy) and Hon. A Michie MLA concerning the Council's claims for drainage damages against the Brighton Railway Co and a Railway Bill then before Parliament.
18. February, 1865 Town Clerk Emerald Hill forwarding copy of Petition to Government opposing the Bill to amalgamate the Hobsons Bay Railway Co with the Melbourne Railway Co by reason of the Company's failure to carry out its obligations and correspondence from Solicitors to the Promoters of the Bill.
19. March, 1865 Minutes of evidence taken at the hearing in connection with the St Kilda and Brighton Railway Sale Bill.
20. June, 1866 Secretary, Melbourne and Hobsons Bay Railway Co enclosed list of shareholders.
21. April, 1867 Melbourne and Hobsons Bay United Railway Co offering to sell any quantity of Red ballast material from the loop line of the railway between St Kilda and Windsor at 3/3 per cubic yard.
22. April, 1867 Melbourne and Hobsons Bay Railway Co asking permission to temporarily store ballast materials on the reserve between St Kilda and Punt Roads during the removal of viaduct on the St Kilda/Windsor railway line.
23. June, 1867 Melbourne and Hobsons Bay United Railway Co asking permission for a roadway to be constructed from Fitzroy Street to Stone Gears intended to be erected on the West side of the Railway line. The Gears to be used as depots for the storage of screenings, rubble, broken metal etc. for public and private requirements and enclosing plan of the proposal.
24. February, 1869 Melbourne and Hobsons Bay United Railway Co granting the Council's request for 1,200 loads of earth from the Windsor loop line embankment near St Kilda Road.
25. March, 1870 Jewish Philanthropic Society asking the Council to remove the soil from the railway loop line embankment running through portion of its ground in St Kilda Road.
26. August, 1871 Sydney Smith (Borough Surveyor) comprehensive report on roads, bridges and railway crossings throughout the Borough and suggesting the Melbourne and Hobsons Bay Railway Co be required to effect improvements.
27. April, 1879 Secretary Department of Railways enclosing plan showing land to be taken to provide an outlet from Inkerman Street (Caulfield) alongside the Railway line to Gippsland.
28. April, 1882 Department of Lands & Survey giving the Council permission to use, in the formation and repair of its footpaths, one half of bank of sub soil on the abandoned railway loop line between St Kilda and Windsor.
29. September, 1882 Railways Department agreeing to the Council's request for the construction of a firewood siding at the St Kilda Railway Station.
30. October, 1883 Department of Lands & Survey rejecting the request for filling from the loop line embankment as such is required for Albert Park improvements, a feature of which will be a carriage drive encircling the Lake.
31. April and May 1884 Malleson England & Stewart - Solicitors giving Notice on behalf of William M Ross of his intention to seek leave to introduce a Bill into Parliament authorising him to build a Railway from Rosstown Junction Railway to the St Kilda Railway Station traversing (in the St Kilda Borough) Elwood, Barkly Street and through Public Lands, the Esplanade and through other Public Lands connecting up with the St Kilda Railway.
32. October, 1884 The Council to Hon. Sir W J Clarke seeking his attendance and support at a deputation to the Minister of Railways urging an extension of the railway from St Kilda to Elwood by way of a tunnel under Grey Street.
33. November, 1884 Ratepayers petitioning the Council to call a public meeting in support of an extension of the railway from St Kilda to Elwood via the Village Belle Hotel.
34. October, 1885 Copy of Petition to Government by the Council objecting to the application for a Bill to authorise the construction of the Rosstown Junction Sea Beach and Melbourne Extension Railway with particular reference to the route to be traversed.
35. August, 1888 Premier's Department notifying that no decision has yet been arrived at concerning the route of the proposed railway to Elwood but that a survey is being made of two routes. One by tunnel (under Grey Street) and the other via the swamp (Elwood).
36. October, 1888 Property owners in Inkerman Street stating that contributions totalling £300 will be guaranteed towards the cost of removing the railway gates across Inkerman Street.
37. July. 1899 Secretary Shire of Caulfield inviting the Council to join a deputation to Railway Commissioner seeking the establishment of a railway station at Glen Eira Road, Ripponlea.
38. January to July 1891 Parliamentary Standing Committee re the taking and giving evidence to the Committee on the matter of the proposed railway line from St Kilda to Elwood - Elwood to Brighton and Sandringham to Cheltenham.
39. March, 1891 Victorian Railways deferring for the time being, the request that a railway station be established at Glen Eira Road but that if the necessary land for the purpose was forthcoming, such might assist in its consideration.
40. April, 1857 Terms and conditions to be observed by Thomas O'Connor for collection of Rates for 1857-8 and signed by him, the Chairman of the Finance Committee (Councillor Alex Fraser) and the Town Clerk (W Goldie).
41. July and August 1857 Proclamation of buildings exempt from rating.
42. August, 1857 Chief Secretary properties (Churches and schools) exempt from rating.
43. February, 1858 Dr F Spicer claiming, on behalf of Samuel Griffiths, a refund of rates paid for half year lot November 1857, on the National School Brighton Road the premises being exempt by Proclamation. Note: The Council's first report lists premises exempt from rates and includes The National School Punt Road (the South West corner of High Street, Windsor) and The National School, Brighton Road. St Kilda Road, High Street and Brighton Road was (at this time) always referred to as The Brighton Road. Dr Spicer lived in High Street - where was the school the subject of this letter?
44. July, 1862 Town Clerk Williamstown seeking support in its protest against the claim for rate exemption of Crown property and property rented for the use of public servants.
45. July, 1865 H F Gurner questioning the Council's right to charge rates on a building in course of erection at corner of Princes and Dalgety Streets.
46. February, 1867 F I Sargood applying for remission of rates on the Orderly rooms in Chapel Street.
47. June, 1879 Henry F Gurner complaining of high valuation an vacant land in Dalgety Street owned by him adjacent to his home fronting Princes Street. December, 1882. A copy of the letter is available:
48. Duffy & Wilkinson claiming exemption from rating on behalf of Christian Brothers School Dandenong Road, such being used exclusively for charitable purposes.
Reserves - adjoining All Saints Church
92. May, 1857 Town Clerk Prahran acknowledging receipt of St Kilda's letter advising that the authority given by the Commissioner of Crown Lands to remove loam from the reserve on the St Kilda side of Dandenong Road, has been discontinued.
93. April, 1860 E Sandford for the Church Trustees asking the Council to approach the Government to secure the removal of the road metal heaped on the reserve between the Church and Dandenong Road and suggesting it be enclosed and planted.
Reserves - Albert Park
49. April, 1857 Department of Lands & Survey replying to a number of Council submissions relating to reserves including Albert Park. Other subjects are dealt with and this letter must be one of earliest received by the Council after its constitution and sets out the Government's policy on several matters the subject of discussions in the Council.
50. January, 1858 Lands Department advising that against the Council's views, the Minister has let portion of the Park to Patrick Devereux for depasturing quiet milch cows at a rental of £50.
51. March, 1860 Department of Lands & Survey and Chief Secretary agreeing to receive a deputation in opposition to suggestion that portion of the South Park be used for the purposes of a Cemetery.
52. March, 1860 Town Clerk Prahran agreeing to join St Kilda in its endeavours to prevent portion of the South Park being appropriated for a Cemetery.
53. October, 1860 Town Clerk Emerald Hill advising the Government's refusal to permit certain types of traffic to use the proposed road through the South Park and as a consequence, the Emerald Hill Council is not prepared to incur expenditure thereon.
54. November, 1860 Ferdinand Mueller - Director Melbourne Botanic Gardens offering two pairs of Fallow Deer to be placed in the South Park reserve when arrangements for their reception are completed.
55. March, 1861 Hon. Secretary Zoological Gardens (Ferdinand Mueller) enquiring if steps have been taken to render the fences secure against dogs in order to receive fallow deer applied for previously.
56. November, 1861 Geo Sprigg Secretary Acclimatisation Society asking for the Council's support in its objects to introduce animals (which are not native to Australia) into reserves.
57. January, 1862 Department of Public Works advising that a plan for a proposed road through the South Park is open for inspection.
58. January, 1863 Minutes of Meeting of Councillors of St Kilda and Emerald Hill Councils agreeing to make representations to Government not to let areas in the Park as hitherto and to receive a deputation to enable its views to be put forward as to its future management.
59. January to April 1863 Department of Lands & Survey file of correspondence relating to the joint representations made by St Kilda and Emerald Hill Councils concerning grazing rights in the Albert Park and the license granted to Mr R W Gillespie.
60. February to June 1863 Department of Lands & Survey correspondence concerning allotment of Government moneys for improvement of South Park (west of the Railway) and contracts with James Gleeson & Co for excavating earthworks in the Swamp to the Town Surveyor's specification.
62. December, 1863 Geo Sprigg Secretary Acclimatisation Society agreeing to supply llamas not alpacas for the reserve when informed that all is in readiness to receive them.
63. January, 1864 - Acclimatisation Society advising six alpacas have been placed in the South Park, that they remain the Society's property which reserves the right to withdraw them at any time. Four more were added at the Council's request on 8th February 1864.
64. May, 1864 Acclimatisation Society alleging that the Council's Surveyor grazes his horse in this reserve. The horse is said to be molesting the alpacas and unless withdrawn the Society will remove the alpacas.
65. July, 1864 Lands Department in complaint that young gentlemen of St Kilda are in the habit of playing football in that part of the reserves enclosed for alpacas.
66. December, 1864 Department of Lands &. Survey advising that tenders are invited for grazing cows in the Albert Park in areas shown on coloured plan enclosed.
67. December 1867 and March 1869 Central Board of Health proposals for draining the swamps and lagoons in the Park and inviting the Council to join with Melbourne and Emerald Hill to concur in the scheme. Subsequently advising that a sum of £2,500 has been set aside by the Government towards the cost provided a similar amount is contributed by other parties.
68. May and June 1869 Central Board of Health further correspondence concerning the scheme for draining the lagoons and swamps in the Albert Park.
69. February, 1869 Town Clerk, Prahran suggesting that a road be made through the Park from St Kilda Road (opposite Commercial Road) to the Bay and seeking the Council's co-operation.
70. March, 1869 Department of Lands & Survey rejecting the proposal by Prahran Council to have a road formed through the centre of Albert Park.
71. November, 1869 Department of Public Works approving plans for the drainage of Albert Park.
72. December, 1870 Health Department indicating that the Government will contribute to the extra expense involved in bridging over one of the drains now in course of construction in the Albert Park.
73. March, 1871 W P Buckhurst, Secretary of a Public movement seeking contributions towards the deepening of the lagoon for boating purposes, and further letter of 12th May, 1871 replying to certain comments appearing in the St Kilda Advertiser.
74. February and April 1871 Department of Lands & Survey asking the Council to deposit street sweepings on the West side of the Park Road (now the Aughtie Drive) for the purposes of establishing a plantation.
75. June, 1871 Department of Lands & Survey declining to entertain any proposal for the deposit of nightsoil in the Park.
76. June to October, 1872 Conference of representatives of Melbourne, Emerald Hill and St Kilda Councils Minutes of meetings relative to the South Park Lagoon.
77. January 1872 to August 1873 Department of Lands & Survey a number of letters relating to submission affecting the Albert Park boat houses, the lagoon. The railway embankment soil removal etc.
78. October 1873 to May 1875 Reports and correspondence between the Council and Government Departments relative to the preservation of the Albert Park as a permanent reserve; the proposal by the Government to sell certain frontages; and the matter of its future maintenance and control with particular reference to the basin of contributions and representation.
79. November, 1874 Extract Victoria Government Gazette regulations for the control and management of Albert Park and Lake.
80. March, 1875 Residents of St Kilda petitioning the Council to call a Public Meeting to consider the Government's proposal to sell land in Albert Park fronting St Kilda Road and to consider taking steps to have the Park permanently reserved as a public park.
81. April, 1875 Circular letter from Citizens Committee urging action to prevent the Government from selling portions of the legends forming Albert Park having frontages to Brighton (St Kilda Road).
82. June, 1875 Department of Lands & Survey advising that, at the Council's request, steps will be taken to ensure that no part of the reserve fronting Fitzroy Street (Inclusive of the alpaca reserve) and as much of the frontage to St Kilda Road as will leave the St Kilda Cricket Ground intact, will be sold, but will be retained in the Park. Allotments fronting St Kilda Road and Queens Terrace will be offered for sale subject to building conditions.
83. April, 1876 Department of Lands & Survey notifying the gazettal on the 24th March 1876 of the permanent reservation of position of the Albert Park.
84. May, 1876 Department of Lands do Survey referring to the recent gazettal of the permanent reservation of Albert Park and of its intention to place it under the Committee of Management of the Board of Land and Works unless some acceptable alternative be agreed upon by the 3 bodies - St Kilda and Emerald Hill Councils and the Board of Land - as set out in the subjoined letter and Agreement.
85. May, 1876 Town Clerk Emerald Hill confirming the resolution agreed to between St Kilda and Emerald Hill Councils in reply to the Lands Department's letter re the future control and management of Albert Park.
86. August, 1876 Department of Lands & Survey notifying that as neither St Kilda nor Emerald Hill Councils have accepted the alternative proposals put forward for the control and management of Albert Park, such will remain with the Department.
87. January, 1877 Department of Public Works suggesting that any further approach to Government relating to improvements to the Lagoon in the Albert Park should be made through the Department of Lands.
88. June, 1886 Department of Lands & Survey advising that the Crown Grant of 570 acres comprising Albert Park in favour of the Board of Land and Works and the Cities of South Melbourne and St Kilda, has been forwarded to the Office of Titles for registration and final deposit with the Registrar.
89. January and February 1889 Government Departments and others file of correspondence, reports and minutes of meetings concerning the unsanitary condition of the Lake in the Albert Park, particularly the growth of weeds and the silting up. Reference is also made of the need to obtain a more pure supply of water.
90. April, 1890 Department of Lands & Survey enclosing for execution a regulation to be made to overcome complaints of the annoyance caused by greyhounds in the Albert Park Reserves and subsequent proclamation of such regulation in the Government Gazette of the 9th May 1890.
Reserves - Albert Park and St Kilda Botanical Gardens
61. November, 1863 Report to Council (a) completion of erection of Gardeners Lodge Blessington Street Gardens (b) accepting offer by Victorian Acclimatisation Society to place six alpacas in the Reserve South of the Railway loop line and some Black Swans in the lagoon.
Reserves - Alma Park
94. August, 1864 H Neville (Dairyman) seeking permission to use unoccupied land between All Saints Church and St Mary's Church, Dandenong Road for depasturing milking cows.
95. August, 1866 Joseph Liddle owner of property in Westbury Street, West side North of Alma Road, concerning the erection of a gate in Alma Road opening into the Park to give him access to the rear of his property.
96. January, 1867 John Liddle, Westbury Street asking permission to graze his cow in the Park at rear of his house.
97. November, 1882 Residents of East St Kilda protesting against the proposal to permit a school adjoining the Alma Park to enclose a portion of the same to the exclusion of the public. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-R97a HistRec-R97b
98. January, 1883 F R Godfrey complaining of the complete neglect of Alma Park.
99. June, 1883 Rev. A Paul and others applying for permission to drain their properties in Chapel Street through the Alma Park reserve into Alma Road.
100. 1884 Residents in vicinity petitioning for the naming of the reserve Alma Road as Alma Park.
101. April, 1884 Residents petitioning the Council to asphalt the paths in Alma Park and install gas lamps for the safety and protection of pedestrians.
Reserves - Barkly Street
102. July, 1858 Department of Lands triangular reserve Barkly Street (near Carlisle Street) has been reserved for Municipal purposes.
103. August, 1876 Department of Lands & Survey approving the permanent reservation of the reserve in Barkly Street such having now been fenced and planted. Note: Barkly Street West side north of Carlisle Street.
Reserves - Blessington Street
106. May, 1880 A Gillespie, Headmaster St Kilda Scotch College, Barkly Street objecting to the granting of the Blessington Street Reserve to the St Kilda Esplanade Football Club, such reserve having been used for many years by the pupils of the school for such purposes.
Reserves - Brighton Road corner Maryville Street
109. July, 1873 Residents of South St Kilda petitioning for the erection of a fence to enclose the reserve fronting Brighton Road, Maryville Street and Glen Eira Road.
110. October, 1873 Residents asking the Council to re-consider its refusal to spend moneys on the reserve at the corner of Brighton Road and Maryville Street, being of the opinion the land should be sold for building purposes.
Reserves - City Gardens
107. January, 1883 Hy G Turer of "Bundalohn" complaining of the appearance of the tip in the gardens opposite his home in Tennyson Street.
108. December, 1894 Department of Lands & Survey notifying the receipt 'of complaints at the Council's action in opening a gravel pit in a part of the St Kilda Public Gardens.
Reserves - control
125. May, 1870 Town Clerk Melbourne seeking the Council's support for a bill to provide for the Control of Public Parks and Gardens and letter from Mayors of Fitzroy, Hotham and Collingwood in opposition to the proposals.
Reserves - Elwood
111. December, 1865 James Mort drawing attention to the advertised intention of the Government to sell land having frontages to the bay between "the battery" and the "rifle butts" and suggesting representations be made to have these lots withdrawn from sale as the land is at present used by the public as a Reserve.
112. June, 1866 Lands Department notifying that a deputation will be heard by the President of the Board of Land and Works from residents relative to the condition of the beach reserves from St Kilda to Elwood.
113. October, 1871 Department of Lands & Survey - no objection to removal of gravel from Red Bluff at foot of cliff below high water mark.
115. September, 1882 Department of Lands & Survey enquiring the Council's intentions as to usage relative to its request that the land known as the Red Bluff Point Ormond be permanently reserved and subsequently agreeing to do so on the conditions set out.
116. August, 1883 Department of Lands & Survey directing the Council's attention to the damage to the Bluff forming part of the Elwood Reserves by the removal of gravel and requiring that the practice cease and an explanation be furnished.
117. October, 1883 Department of Lands &. Survey notifying the names and gazettal of persons appointed a Committee of Management of the land at Elwood reserved for public recreation.
Reserves - Fawkner Park
118. February, 1859 - Town Clerk Prahran inviting co-operation in its protest against the Government's intention to sell part of the Reserve bounded by Gardiners Creek, Punt and St Kilda Roads.
119. August, 1862 Town Clerk Prahran suggesting a conference of Municipalities of Prahran Melbourne and St Kilda to consider steps to secure the reservation of land bounded by Punt, Commercial, Brighton and Gardiners Creek Roads as a public reserve.
Reserves - foreshore
120. December, 1857 Crown Lands Department notifying that a license has been granted to the Melbourne Hunt Club to erect quarters for its hounds and vacant land near the Abattoirs and asking the Council Surveyor to mark out a suitable site.
121. March, 1880 Department of Lands & Survey enclosing sketches of 10 areas of Crown Lands and indicating decisions on the matter of their disposition, permanently or temporarily, to be reserved or to be offered for sale. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-R121a HistRec-R121b HistRec-R121c HistRec-R121d HistRec-R121e
122. April, 1884 Department of Lands & Survey notifying that the Council has been appointed the Committee of Management of three areas of beach reserve extending from Main drain outlet to a point opposite the Abattoirs - marked 1, 2 and 3 on plan attached to letter dated 8th March, 1880.
Reserves - planting trees
123. May, 1869 Chairman Planting Committee report and recommendations for planting trees in various reserves.
Reserves - the "Spring"
124. February, 1859 Secretary Caulfield Roads Board agreeing to assist this Council In its endeavours to secure from the Government funds to obtain "the Spring Reserve" near the St Kilda Cemetery. Note: the "Spring Reserve" was land approximately 4 acres at the North East corner of Alexandra Street and Alma Road. Shown on early plans as containing "springs".
Rifle butts
126. September, 1859 Members of St Kilda Volunteer Rifles petitioning to be allowed to use part of Government Reserve (South of Carlisle Street) at present cut off by the Railway embankment as rifle butts as the butts at the beach are too far away for residents of East St Kilda. Note: The land was on the East side of the railway between William Street and the embankment and from Nightingale to Grosvenor Streets.
127. March, 1860 St Kilda Co of Volunteer rifles enclosing rules for target practice endorsed with the Council's approval 4th April 1860.
128. December, 1860 2nd St Kilda Rifle Co finding the present Butts on the bench too far for some of its members, the Committee requests the Council to erect Butts on the "Spring Reserve". Note: "Spring Reserve" was at the North East corner of Alma Road and Alexandra Street.
129. January, 1861 Sydney W Smith, Borough Surveyor reporting adversely on proposal to establish rifle butts in the "Springs" Reserve East St Kilda.
130. July, 1868 Captain F T Sargood thanking the Council for agreeing to the resumption of firing practice at the rifle butts and setting out for its approval regulations governing the use of same.
131. October, 1873 F T Sargood referring to the closing of the rifle butts on Saturday afternoons In 1868 and requesting consideration be given to re-opening them on such conditions and subject to such regulations as may be agreed upon.
Rifle corps
132. July, 1859 Residents petitioning the Council Chairman to convene a public meeting for considering the need for the forming of a Rifle Corps and such other measures as are necessary "to protect the colony from foreign aggression".
133. July, 1859 Victoria Government Gazette - Extraordinary proclamation inviting Volunteers front residents of seaport towns to enrol for naval or military service - ten companies to be formed In Melbourne and suburbs - one company in St Kilda.
134. August, 1859 Adjutant General's office referring to the proclamation of 15th July 1859 on the matter of the formation of Volunteer Defence Corps.
135. July, 1860 Town Clerk (E Bradshaw) asking for leave of absence to do a turn of duty with the St Kilda Volunteer Rifle Co the main body of the Regiment having been ordered to New Zealand.
Right of ways
136. May, 1862 Ratepayers petitioning for the construction of the right of way between Robe and Clyde Streets at cost of adjoining property owners.
137. June, 1880 Return showing Right of Ways the subject of "Orders" made by the Local Board of Health - including details of action taken, and, where applicable, amounts paid.
Roads - Alma Road
141. June, 1857 Contract No.3 with Peter Mackay of North Melbourne to construct Alma Road from Brighton Road (High Street) to a point beyond Bull Street (Westbury Street) (£415.5.0).
142. June, 1866 Petition from residents complaining that the road works carried out in Alma Road near the Cemetery are unsatisfactory and should be remedied.
143. February, 1866 J B Were asking that the footpath be constructed and channels be laid at the South West corner of Alma Road and Hotham Street.
144. December, 1890 Residents - east of railway bridge petitioning for repairs to Alma Road from the Railway bridge to Hotham Street.
145. 1892 and 1893 Correspondence on the cutting down and lowering the levels of Alma Road and Lansdowne Road affecting the properties of Sir A Michie, Mr Justice Holroyd and Mesers Lange and Younghusband.
Roads - Argyle Street
146. June, 1857 Contract No.4 with John Finlay to form Argyle Street from Punt Road (Barkly Street) to Chapel Street (£140.)
Roads - Balaclava Road
147. May, 1870 Hon. James Service requesting alterations to lamp corner Balaclava Road and Hotham Street and repairs to footpath south side of Carlisle Street.
Roads - Barkly Street
148. June, 1857 Contract No.2 with John Finlay of Great Bourke Street, Melbourne to fill and form Punt Road and adjacent streets and roads from the Junction Hotel to 3 chains southwards of the Hare and Hounds Hotel. Note: This refers to the forming of Barkly Street from the Junction to the vicinity of Grey Street (£1182.3.0).
149. June, 1865 W Owston referring to the dilapidated condition of the bridge over the creek (Elster) adjoining the slaughter house on St Kilda/Elwood Road (Barkly Street).
150. July, 1883 Department of Ports and Harbours asking the Council's views on an application to remove from the St Kilda Beach below high water mark four or five thousand loads of sand to fill up a block of land in Barkly Street between Blessington and Dickens Streets.
Roads - Bath Street
151. September, 1867 H W Miller seeking on behalf of petitioners, that Bath Street be constructed and advising approval of a property owner to permit a drain through land to connect up with Inkerman Street.
Roads - Beaconsfield Parade
152. October, 1860 Town Clerk, Emerald Hill refusing to join in approach to Government for funds to construct the Beach Road (Beaconsfield Parade) between St Kilda and Sandridge (Port Melbourne) until the road through the South Park (Albert Park) has been constructed.
153. November and December,1860 Department of Lands & Survey re deputation on proposal to form a road along beach front from Sandridge to St Kilda.
154. February, 1862 Town Clerk Sandridge (Port Melbourne) suggesting a conference of Councils of Sandridge. Emerald Hill and St Kilda to determine requirements for a road along beach frontage - required for defence purposes and public use.
155. October, 1864 Town Clerk Sandridge (Port Melbourne) requesting St Kilda to join with Emerald Hill and Sandridge in obtaining the proclamation of a road from the Lagoon Bridge, Graham Street to St Kilda along beach frontage (Beaconsfield Parade).
156. August, 1865 Town Clerk Sandridge notifying its willingness to make and maintain the proposed road along the beach if Emerald Hill and St Kilda Councils will do the same in their districts should the Government agree to proclaim such a road.
157. 1875 Henry Jennings and others forwarding resolution from a Public Meeting asking the Council to seek the co-operation of Emerald Hill and Sandridge Councils in urging the Government to either make moneys available or to use prison labour in constructing the Military Road (Beaconsfield Parade) between Sandridge and St Kilda.
158. May, 1883 Department of Public Works intimating that the responsibility for maintaining the Military Road (Beaconsfield Parade) lies with the respective Councils through which it traverses.
159. March, 1884 Residents petitioning for the removal of the fence (now in course of erection) along the Military Road (Beaconsfield Parade) between Kenny's Baths and extending to Mary Street, the height of which completely shuts out the sea view and is objectionable in type.
160. March, 1890 Department of Public Works asking if the Council has any record of a proclamation of a Military Road extending along the eastern shore of Hobsons Bay from Port Melbourne to Point Ormond and subsequent advice (6th June 1890) that as there has been no such proclamation, application should now be made which will be submitted to the Governor-in-Council for approval.
161. April, 1890 Town Clerk South Melbourne notifying that South Melbourne Council has approved the agreement relating to the apportionment of the cost of constructing the Beaconsfield or Military Road as approved at the conference which considered the Government's offer of subsidy.
162. June, 1890 Department of Public Works acknowledging receipt of resolutions adopted by South Melbourne and St Kilda Councils in reference to the distribution of the vote to assist In constructing Beaconsfield Parade and advising that the Government's amount will be paid when claims are made. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-R162a HistRec-R162b
Roads - Bendigo Avenue
163. August, 1907 Order by Council declaring Bendigo Avenue to be a public street.
Roads - Blenheim Street
164. September, 1869 Thomas Loader proposing to subdivide his land and extend Blenheim Street through to Inkerman Street.
Roads - Blessington and Herbert Streets
165. February, 1873 Residents referring to the press advertisement of the intention to fix the levels of Blessington Street and asking that the levels of Herbert Street be fixed at the same time.
Roads - Camden Street
166. September, 1861 Residents petitioning for the naming and formation of Camden Street.
168. 1872 Property Owners petitioning for the construction of Camden Street.
Roads - Camden and Edward Streets
167. September, 1871 Property owners requesting the construction of Camden and Edward Streets.
Roads - Carlisle Street
169. September, 1858 William Baker correspondence relating to the continuation of Carlisle Street through to the Esplanade taking some of his land and granting other land In exchange.
170. August and November, 1858 Dr A F Greeves correspondence with B Cowderoy (Council Chairman) re extension of Carlisle Street from Barkly Street to Acland Street and negotiations with William Baker to exchange lands for this purpose.
171. September, 1864 J Carre - Riddell owner of three acres of land in Acland Street portion of which he gave to Council for purposes of extending Carlisle Street through to the Esplanade. Now asking that this fact be taken into consideration when valuing the remainder.
172. 1861 Councillor B Cowderoy, Chairman submitting suggestions concerning proposals to purchase land to connect up Carlisle Street with the Beach Road (Esplanade) and for dealing with the Petition from local butchers on subject of Abattoirs.
173. October, 1866 William Bayles (Alderman Melbourne City Council) re construction of vehicular crossings to his property North West corner of Carlisle and Hotham Streets.
174. 1872 Property Owners petitioning for the construction of drainage channels on the south side of Carlisle Street between Hotham and William Streets.
Roads - Charnwood Grove
177. August, 1869 Mathew Hervey proposing to subdivide his land "Charnwood" and lay out a street to be called "Charnwood Grove".
Roads - Charnwood Road
178. September, 1879 Form of Notice of Intention to construct Charnwood Road.
Roads - construction
138. August, 1857 Sir George Stephen asking that a petition from residents with reference to the construction of roads (apparently rejected by the Council), be reconsidered.
139. September, 1858 etc. A Sutherland (for the Church Trustees) letters relating to the sale and disposal of bluestone metal stored on the site of the new Wesleyan Chapel (Methodist Church, Fitzroy Street).
140. August, 1870 Sydney Smith Borough Surveyor giving estimates of cost of works most urgently required in the various streets throughout the Borough.
Roads - Dalgety Street
179. October, 1858 Residents of Dalgety Street asking that the road and footpaths be formed and drained, the street containing the most valuable properties in the whole Municipality.
Roads - Dandenong Road
180. May, 1858 Officer of Roads and Bridges stating that it has no funds available to carry out works on the Dandenong Road.
181. June, 1858 Office of Roads and Bridges copy of letter to Board concerning the state of Dandenong Road and reply that no provision has been made in the Government's estimates for effecting repairs.
Roads - Dickens and Byron Streets
182. December, 1857 Surveyor General acceding to the Council's request to extend Dickens and Byron Streets across the swamp to the bench. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-R182a HistRec-R182b
Roads - Farmer Street
183. April, 1881 Notice to ratepayers of intention to construct Farmer Street and apportioning part of the cost to owners.
Roads - Fawkner Street
184. September, 1858 Fawkner Street residents referring to the agreement to widen Fawkner Street to half chain but claiming that more land had been taken from properties on the south side then those on the North side.
Roads - Fitzroy Street
185. April, 1890 Department of Public Works inviting attention to the Government Gazette of the 11th April 1890 which contains a proclamation of Fitzroy Street as a Public Highway.
Roads - Frampton Street
186. April, 1861 Residents of Frampton Street asking that its bad condition be remedied.
Roads - Glen Eira Road
187. September, 1858 Town Surveyor (Sydney Smith) submitting tracing of plans of St Kilda and Brighton Railway deposited at Crown Lands Office so far an they relate to the Maryville Street reserve (Glen Eira Road extension).
188. March, 1861 Petition from residents in locality asking that work be done to render Glen Eira Road useable for pedestrians and traffic. Note: The signatories show the names of residents in Glen Eire Road, Hotham Street and areas known as "Owensville" (the name formerly given to "Ripponlea").
189. May, 1863 Caulfield Road Board asking for repairs to Glen Eira Road between Orrong Road and Brighton Road. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-R189a HistRec-R189b ads - Glen Huntly Road
190. May, 1858 James Watson (Landlord) Elsternwick Hotel saying he is cut off from access to the beach because of the impassability of the water course from O'Shea's paddock to Murphy's paddock. Note: This would appear to be where now Elster Creek and the Elwood Canal is located.
191. October, 1860 Caulfield Roads Board asking for this Council's half of the cost of gravelling Glen Huntly Road (in the vicinity of the Elsternwick Railway Station).
192. January, 1867 John Steavenson drawing attention to the state of Glen Huntly Road between the Elsternwick Hotel and the Abattoirs.
193. 1872 Property Owners petitioning for the construction of the track across the swamp from Brighton Road to Elwood (Presumably Glen Huntly Road).
194. February, 1873 Ratepayers petitioning for the construction of Glen Huntly Road between Elsternwick Hotel and North Elwood.
Roads - Grosvenor Street
195. March, 1860 Residents of Grosvenor Street petitioning for the construction of the road.
Roads - Herbert Street
196. November, 1867 W E Wood requesting a footpath in Herbert Street - west side in front of his land.
197. January, 1868 Property Owners asking that Herbert Street be constructed.
Roads - High Street
198. November, 1857 Central Roads Board advising that it has no funds available to repair the water ways in Brighton Road (High Street).
Roads - Hotham Street
199. July, 1861 Memorial from residents complaining of condition of Hotham Street between Carlisle Street and Inkerman Street occasioned by drainage from the properties on the East side inundating the area west of Hotham Street.
200. September, 1871 Ratepayers petitioning for improvements to the crossing in Hotham Street near Grosvenor Street.
201. 1872 Property Owners petitioning for the construction of Hotham Street between Glen Eira Road and Brighton Road.
202. March, 1872 James Daskein (Borough Surveyor) advising having interviewed parties interested in the formation of Hotham Street from Glen Eira Road to the Railway Bridge none of whom object to the work shown on a plan.
Roads - Inkerman Street
203. April, 1865 M O'Connor asking that attention be given to the channelling in Inkerman Street in front of the Inkerman Hotel.
Roads - Market Street
204. April, 1870 Farmer advising the laying out of a street on his land in Inkerman Street through to Blanche Street and naming it Market Street.
205. September,1872 Residents petitioning for the making of Market Street.
Roads - Martin Street
206. August, 1872 Ratepayers petitioning for the construction of Martin Street and a lamp near the footbridge.
Roads - Maryville Street
208. February, 1860 Petition from residents asking the Council to proceed with the proclamation of a street in extension of Maryville Street through to Hotham Street on land offered by Mr Thomas Hale.
209. March, 1860 Thomas Hale offering to convey to the Council land 40 feet in width as a road to extend from Maryville Street eastwards into Hotham Street. Note: Presumably Oak Grove.
210. June, 1863 Residents asking for the construction of Maryville Streets
211. July, 1867 McEwan & Co directing attention to state of Maryville Street between Brighton Road and the Railway crossing. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-R211a HistRec-R211b
212. May, 1868 McEwan Brothers owners of land North East corner of Brighton Road and Maryville Street complaining of manure carts crossing the Reserve on the South East corner of Maryville Street as a short cut to Glen Eira Road.
Roads - Maryville Street and Glen Eira Road
207. September, 1858 Mr Dempsey (Secretary) Caulfield District Roads Board Glen Eira Road (west to Hotham Street) in the Caulfield District, was known as Maryville Street in the St Kilda District and extended only up to a Reserve. The Caulfield Board asked that it be extended through the Reserve to Brighton Road and be known as "Glen Eira Road". Note: Maryville Street (St Kilda) is the same as today, but in 1858 it turned south into (what in now) Glen Eira Road but was still named Maryville Street up to Hotham Street.
Roads - Milton Street
213. May, 1866 H S Smith and F G Smith asking that Milton Street near Brighton Road be improved.
214. November, 1866 H Selwyn Smith asking permission to erect granite pillars on the eastern and Western corners of his property "Hartpury" Milton Street to prevent intrusion of traffic over the footpath.
Roads - Nelson Street
215. April, 1857 Town Clerk Prahran asking that four of its Councillors be permitted to join St Kilda's deputation to the Government on the subject of extending Nelson Street, Windsor to Brighton Road (St Kilda Road) and the erection of a Jetty at St Kilda.
217. January, 1864 Department of Lands & Survey no objection will be offered to the extension of Nelson Street to St Kilda Road by cutting off the apex of the triangular piece of land occupied by the South Yarra Water Co.
218. July, 1864 William Johnson of Punt Road offering to contribute towards cost if Council will open or extend Nelson Street into St Kilda Road.
219. November, 1863 William Johnson, Chemist of Punt Road suggesting land at St Kilda Junction occupied by South Yarra Water Works Co be taken over to extend Nelson Street through to St Kilda Road.
Roads - Nelson and Peel Streets
216. May, 1857 Town Clerk Prahran enclosing correspondence with the Surveyor General respecting the opening out of Nelson and Peel Streets (Windsor) to the main Brighton Road (St Kilda Road).
Roads - Octavia Street
220. 1870 Memorial from residents asking that land be purchased to extend Octavia Street through Octavius Brown's land to connect up with Crimea Street.
221. July, 1871 Property Owners again requesting that land be purchased to extend Octavia Street to join up with Crimea Street.
Roads - Ormond Road, Spray Street etc.
222. August, 1883 Suburban Financial and Investment Co agreeing to permit drainage to be made through the streets marked on the accompanying plan of subdivision covering land in Ormond Road, St Kilda, Spray and Foam Streets.
Roads - Orrong Road
223. August, 1865 Caulfield District Roads Board advising its willingness to spend £40 to repair Orrong Road between Glen Eira Road and Balaclava Road if St Kilda will spend a like sum.
224. July, 1867 Clerk, Caulfield District Roads Board advising its intention to commence works in Orrong Road and asking for concurrence in an increased expenditure on the section between Glen Eira and Balaclava Roads.
Roads - Park Patterson & Co.
225. August, 1874 Ratepayers of West Ward drawing attention to impassable state of roads north of Fitzroy Street and west of railway and asking that they be metalled and that pipes be substituted for the open drain from Albert Park along Cowderoy Street to the beach.
226. March, 1875 Ratepayers - West Ward memorial urging the construction of Park and Patterson Streets in preference to the completion of works in Marine Parade and Canterbury Roads and asking for cleansing of the drain from the Albert Park at Cowderoy Street.
Roads - Park and Patterson Streets
227. March, 1875 Ratepayers - West Ward petitioning the Council to construct Park Street from Fitzroy Street and Patterson Street and agreeing to the making of a Separate Rate of 6d in the £ for the purpose.
Roads - Princes Street
228. October, 1857 Messrs W L Chalmers and H J Chambers protesting against the cutting (removal of top soil) now being carried out in Princes Street and asking that materials obstructing the rear entrances to their properties be removed.
Roads - Punt Road
229. November, 1857 Town Clerk Prahran asking for co-operation in urging Government to place a sum, on its estimates to form and metal Punt Road from the River Yarra to the Junction Hotel St Kilda.
230. May, 1864 Town Clerk Prahran seeking co-operation in repairing Punt Road under the Railway Bridge in vicinity of Union Street.
Roads - Redan Street
231. June, 1877 Notice from Council advice of intention to construct Redan Street and allocating contributions by property owners.
232. 14 March, 1879 Notice from Council to ratepayers intention to construct Redan Street.
Roads - Robe Street
233. August, 1857 Contract No.6 with John Stabb of Chapel Street, Prahran for improvements required to Robe Street (£115.11.6).
Roads - St Kilda Junction
234. February, 1873 Ratepayers petitioning for the construction of a level crossing at Barkly Street junction with Fitzroy Street as has already been done at Punt Road and Wellington Street.
235. August, 1865 Town Clerk Emerald Hill drawing attention to Gazette advertisement announcing the Government's intention to sell land fronting St Kilda Road near the New Military Barracks and suggesting a joint approach to induce the Government to lower the levels in this vicinity by cutting down the hill 8 to 10 feet.
Roads - St Kilda Road
236. July, 1880 Richard Balderson (Mayor) circular letter to Metropolitan Councils on the subject the maintenance of Main Roads and the need for re-imposing the payment of tolls which were abolished in 1877. Enclosed in the circular is a report by the Borough Engineer concerning the deterioration of St Kilda and Brighton Roads and the cost to put such into reasonable order.
Roads - Selwyn Avenue
237. April, 1908 Order by Council declaring Selwyn Avenue to be a public street.
Roads - Smith Street
238. July, 1866 Petition from residents requesting the construction of Smith Street.
Roads - Somerset Street
239. July, 1865 Messrs J Connibere and Richards Brothers querying the ownership of land known as Somerset Street.
Roads - Southey Street
240. October, 1865 Petition from residents seeking construction or repair of Southey Street.
241. July, 1866 Ratepayers notifying approval of the plans for the construction of Southey Street.
242. May, 1867 A.T. Snow alleging that the roadworks now in progress in Southey Street will adversely affect his property at the apex of Southey and Mitford Streets.
Roads - Tennyson Street
243. July, 1859 Residents of Tennyson Street South petitioning for the construction and draining of the south end of Tennyson Street. Note: Signatures of some 32 of the earliest residents of this part of the Municipality.
244. June, 1860 Hon. R Heales (Premier of Victoria) asking that the road be metalled. Note: He built and lived in a large wooden house called "Tennyson Villa" subsequently pulled down and removed in sections.
245. October, 1866 James Mort desiring to erect a fence on his property South West corner of Tennyson and Milton Streets asking for levels and complaining of drainage.
246. January and September 1869 and October 1870 Residents of Tennyson Street asking that the road be made and drained.
247. November, 1877 F G Smith urging the construction of Tennyson Street between Dickens and Milton Streets.
Roads - Tennyson, Byron and Southey Streets
248. February, 1879 A Baldwin, Hon. W J Clarke and Captain W H Smith offering to contribute to cost of a crossing at the intersection of Byron, Tennyson and Southey Streets to carry storm waters.
Roads - Union Street
249. December, 1857 Town Clerk Prahran on need to open out Union Street across the reserve (Police paddock) to the Brighton Road (St Kilda Road) and suggesting a joint approach to the Government.
Roads - Vale Street
250. February, 1861 Residents drawing attention to condition of Vale Street which is being constantly inundated with storm waters.
Roads - Westbury Street
251. October, 1871 Property Owners asking that channels be laid in Westbury Street between Inkerman and Carlisle Streets.
Roads - Wimmera Place
254. August, 1862 Ratepayers asking that Wimmera Place be constructed, it being the main thoroughfare from the Esplanade to the Church and the Railway Station.
Roads and drains - West Beach
251. January, 1879 R H Shakespear (Borough Surveyor) reporting on the drain from Albert Park under the Railway and through to the Beach (Cowderoy Street drain) and precis of action taken since 1869, and of works carried out and showing moneys spent and Government contributions.
252. July, 1883 Department of Public Works stating that the Minister (Hon. A Deakin) will receive a deputation from the Council on the subject of filling up the West Beach Swamp. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-R252a HistRec-R252b
Rolls - Preparation of
256. July,1866 Correspondence with the Chief Secretary concerning the removal of the Town Clerk from the office of Electoral Registrar apparently for including in the Burgess list names which should not have been included. Note: This had to do with the inclusion of the names of shareholders of the Melbourne Hobsons Day Railway Co to which the Council approved.
Schools - Brighton Road State
8. April, 1874 Education Department stating that the contract for the erection of a State School at the corner of Chapel and Dickens Streets has been accepted.
9. April, 1875 John Hadfield, Head Teacher asking that the drain in the Brighton Road school grounds be eliminated. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-S9a HistRec-S9b
10. June, 1885 John Hadfield, Head Teacher enclosing copy of rules required to be observed by pupils.
Schools - Hofwyl
1. October, 1866 James Bonwick protesting against proposal to establish a cattle yard in vicinity of Hofwyl School, Barkly Street (afterwards known as Queens College).
Schools - Park State
3. March, 1873 Secretary Education Department accepting Council's offer for use of Town Hall as a State School as a temporary measure in aid of State School No. 565 (Fitzroy Street).
4. June, 1873 Education Department intimating the Government's intention to erect a permanent State School In Fitzroy Street and accepting the offer to use the Town Hall in the meantime.
5. June, 1874 Education Department re proposal to erect a school in portion of the Albert Park adjoining the St Kilda Bowling Green.
6. June, 1874 Correspondence with local Board of Advice, Education Department and Residents concerning the proposal to erect a State School on portion of the Albert Park known as the Alpaca Reserve. The Local Board approved the proposal but the residents strenuously oppose it.
7. March, 1877 Department of Lands & Survey enquiring the Council's views on an application by Park School for an additional one acre adjoining the school. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-S7a HistRec-S7b
Schools - Town Hall
2. February, 1873 Education Department accepting the Council's offer to use Town Hall as a State School until permanent accommodation available.
Seal - Municipal
11. August, 1867 Melbourne Public Library asking for a sample of the St Kilda Corporation Seal to add to its collection.
12. November, 1871 Redmond Barry (President) Library, Museum and National Gallery requesting to be supplied with an impression of the Council's Seal for inclusion in the Library and Museum.
Soil removal
13. February, 1865 Lands Department asking Council's views on an application by a private party to remove soil from bed of the swampy lagoon at rear of the Lower Marine Parade.
South Melbourne, City (Emerald Hill) - early financial reports
14. July 1856 to December 1858 Victoria Government Gazettes extracts and copies of reports relating to the Municipality of Emerald Hill (now the City of South Melbourne).
15. January, 1882 etc Clifton Mineral Springs Co Drysdale putting forward a proposition to lease the whole of the land on the Esplanade opposite the Baths to establish a Spa of the Continental type including hot baths, gymnasiums, restaurants etc.
Statistics - Municipal
16. August, 1858 W Fairfax of Fairfax & Co's Steam Printing Works seeking information for inclusion in its proposed publication Handbook to Australasia. Notes: This Company also published Bradshaw's Guide.
17. November, 1858 Secretary Municipal Conference office seeking information to enable it to complete its Return of Statistics of the Colony.
18. June, 1859 Secretary Municipal Conference forwarding statistical return of Municipal Institutions in Victoria from their formation to 31st May 1858 and asking views on the matter of the need to frame legislation to meet the needs of Local Government.
19. January, 1860 Chief Secretary asking for information relating to rates, population and dwellings in municipality for the information of Parliament.
20. April, 1861 Return showing the number of houses in all streets in the Municipal district of St Kilda.
Steam roller
21. February, 1890 Department of Trade and Customs advising that the steam roller is liable to duty at the rate of 35% being classed as a machine and the Minister has no power to waive the charge.
Street names - Alexandra Street
25. March, 1874 Residents of Mort Street asking that the street name be changed from Mort Street to Alexandra Street.
Street names - Avoca Avenue
29. June, 1908 Order by Council changing name of Ascog Street to Avoca Avenue.
Street names - Docker Street
30. February, 1909 Extract from Victoria Government Gazette page 1335 change in name of South Elwood Street to Docker Street.
Street names - Evelyn Street
23. December, 1865 Petition from owners for a change in name of Little Inkerman Street to Evelyn Street.
Street names - Herbert Street
24. August, 1867 W E Woodd proposing to build on land fronting the street (not yet named) on the west side of the public gardens and suggesting it be named "Herbert Street" following the practice of perpetuating the names of leading authors and poets.
Street names - Queens Road
26. May, 1888 Department of Lands & Survey advising that road formerly known as Queens Terrace is now altered to Queens Road as notified in Government Gazette on 4th May 1888.
Street names - Shakespeare Grove
28. November, 1891 Department of Lands & Survey advising the gazettal on the 30th October of the change in name of Shakespeare Street to Shakespeare Grove.
Street names - St Kilda Road
27. July, 1888 Town Clerk Melbourne seeking St Kilda's views on a suggestion from the PMG Department that the name of St Kilda Road be changed to Princes Road.
Street names - Westbury Street
22. March, 1865 Petition from Residents asking that the street name be changed from Bull Street to Westbury Street.
Street trees
31. August, 1863 Alexander Bell (after whom Bell Street was named) asking permission to remove a tree from the footpath in Brighton Road blocking the vehicular entrance to his premises.
32. April,1876 S P Lord and Mrs Patterson asking permission to plant trees on the footpath in front of their residences in Carlisle Street. Notes: The properties were on the north side between Barkly and Greeves Streets.
Subdivisions - corner Esplanade and Robe Street
33. December, 1927 Royal Hotel estate corner Esplanade and Robe Street.
Survey marks
34. March, 1875 Department of Lands & Survey responding to the Council's enquiry by giving reference marks from the original survey of lands at the intersection of Inkerman and High Streets made in 1849.
4. May, 1891 Correspondence relating to the presentation of an Address to Mr E G Fitzgibbon upon his retirement as Town Clerk of Melbourne after 3-5 years in the position.
5. October, 1894 Engineering Inspector of the Board of Public Health submitting report on the Theatres of Melbourne.
Toll roads - Brighton Road (now St. Kilda Road)
6. March, 1858 Town Clerk Prahran enquiring the Council's views on its proposed petition to the Government for the removal of the Toll gate on the Brighton Road (St Kilda Road).
7. October, 1860 Town Clerks Melbourne and Prahran concerning St Kilda's efforts to obtain a reduction in the Toll charges on Brighton Road traffic.
8. March, 1861 Town Clerk Brighton rejecting, for reasons given, this Council's suggestions on the matter of toll charges for roads traversing the two Municipalities.
9. October, 1861 K E Brodribb MLA suggesting the Council approach the Government to abolish the toll charges for Brighton Road (St Kilda Road) or, at least, a reduction for vehicles used for business purposes.
10. May, 1863 Secretary Municipal Association drawing attention to a proposal by Lands Commissioner Mitchell to take over control and management of tolls.
11. March, 1864 Draft Agreement re appropriations from St Kilda Road toll funds to provide approaches to the Princes Bridge.
12. 1864 Copy of appointment of John Cosgrove as Manager of the Toll gate upon the Brighton Road in the City of Melbourne.
13. January, 1865 Draft appointment of Edward Bradshaw (Town Clerk St Kilda) as Manager of the Brighton, Dandenong and Gardiners Creek Roads (which together form a Common Toll road) for year ending 31st December 1865.
14. April, 1865 Town Clerk Melbourne forwarding appointment of Town Clerk St Kilda as Manager of the Brighton Road (St Kilda Road) Toll.
15. January, 1866 Town Clerk Prahran with reference to toll payments on the Brighton Road (St Kilda Road).
16. November, 1866 Caulfield District Roads Board suggesting that its Treasurer should be appointed Manager of St Kilda Toll Road for ensuing year.
17. February, 1867 Town Clerk Melbourne asking for the Council's execution of the document appointing John Cosgrove as Toll Manager of the Brighton Road for the current year.
19. September, 1868 Town Clerk Melbourne enquiring if there is any objection to the payment of salary from Toll funds to meet the claim of the former Toll Manager (Mr Bradshaw).
20. December, 1868 Town Clerk Melbourne seeking Council's views on a proposal to re-apportion toll funds from Brighton Road (St Kilda Road) by increasing the proportions to the Caulfield and Gardiner Roads Boards.
21. December 1870 to April 1871 Town Clerk Melbourne on the matter of the leasing of the Brighton Road Toll Gate and the objections by St Kilda to the non-appointment of a Toll Manager. Reports by the Toll Manager subsequently appointed showing the receipts and apportionment thereof.
22. April, 1871 Commissioner for Roads and Bridges advising the appointment of Mr Geo Sprigg (Town Clerk St Kilda) as Manager of Tolls from let January 1871.
23. January, 1873 John Craven Manager financial statement of Brighton Road toll fund for January 1873. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-T23a HistRec-T23b
24. September, 1884 Town Clerk Melbourne referring to the disrepair of St Kilda Road since the collection of tolls were abolished and convening a conference to discuss an approach to the Government for the erection of a toll-bar and the collection of tolls for its upkeep.
Toll roads - Conditions of tendering
18. February, 1867 Town Clerks Essendon and Flemington advising the conditions under which tenders are invited for lease of toll roads in its territory.
Toll - Church Street Bridge
25. March and May 1858 Town Clerk Richmond acceding to the Government's proposal to free the new Iron Bridge over the Yarra at Church Street from toll under certain conditions.
26. June, 1865 Department of Roads and Bridges enclosing report of Inspector relative to maintenance of Church Street Bridge and suggested apportionment of cost.
27. March, 1865 Toll Manager financial statement to 31st December 1864 and forwarding claim form for St Kilda's proportion.
28. April, 1865 Draft appointment of Thomas Newham (Town Clerk Richmond) as Manager of the Common Toll Road at the bridge In Church Street for year ending 17th April 1866.
29. May, 1865 John Craven, Manager seeking approval for distribution of Church Street toll funds.
30. May, 1865 Town Clerk Richmond forwarding report by their Surveyor on the need for repairs to the bridge.
31. October, 1865 Toll Manager financial statement July to October 1865 and forwarding St Kilda's proportion.
32. March, 1866 Thomas Newham (Manager) enclosing cheque for Council's proportion of Church Street Bridge toll for February and March 1866.
33. February, 1873 G Sprigg, Manager financial statement of Church Street Bridge toll fund for January 1873.
Town commons
34. October, 1860 Sydney W Smith, City Surveyor reporting areas of Crown Lands In Municipality suitable for proclamation as Town Commonage. Note: Refers to these areas as being marked on a lithographed plan enclosed. No such plan attached. See, however, sketch of areas proclaimed in Government Gazette April 1861.
35. April, 1861 Department of Lands & Survey advice of gazettal of the Town Common for St Kilda and the boundaries of the Township.
36. July, 1861 Regulations for the Management of the Town Common the appointment of James Deagley as Town Herdsman the appointment of mustering grounds etc.
37. September, 1862 Department of Lands &Survey asking that by-laws be framed under Land Acts under which Managers can be annually appointed to deal with the Town Common.
38. February, 1863 Rules and regulations for management (James Beagley - Town Herdsman).
39. January, 1864 Department of Lands & Survey replying to criticisms shade of the practice of cutting down and selling trees on the Town Common.
41. March, 1871 conditions of lease of Town Common and copy of rules and regulations.
42. November, 1878 Department of Lands & Survey indicating that the Council could not legally lease land comprised within the St Kilda Town Common for grazing purposes.
Town crier
43. March, 1859 Richard Alanson of Argyle Street seeking the Council's sanction and approval to him becoming a Town Crier. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-T43a HistRec-T43b
Town hall - "battle of the sites"
54. October and November, 1866 Matthew Hervey offering his land at the North East corner of High Street and Alma Road as a site for a new Town Hall and submitting sketch plan.
55. December, 1866 Petition from ratepayers asking the Council not to purchase the land owned by Matthew Hervey on the North East corner of High Street and Alma Road as a site for a new Town Hall.
56. December, 1866 Petition from residents supporting a proposal that land at the North East corner of High Street and Alma Road be purchased as a site for a new Town Hall.
57. August, 1868 Requisition from ratepayers calling for a public meeting to consider a Notice of Motion by Councillor Lord relative to proposals relating to the need for additional Town Hall accommodation and the raising of a loan for this and other purposes.
58. October. 1882 T. Kelly Agent offering Dr Rankin's property South West corner of Alma Road and High Street as a site for a new Town Hall.
59. May, 1883 Department of Lands & Survey notifying the permanent reservation of a site corner Brighton Road and Carlisle Street for a Town Hall Court House and Offices as gazetted on 20th April 1883.
60. February, 1884 Department of Lands & Survey advising that the Council has been appointed the Committee of Management of the site for a Town Hall Court House and Offices corner Brighton Road and Carlisle Street as gazetted on the 15th February, 1884.
61. July, 1887 Notice of Poll for the site of the New Town Hall, Thursday the 11th and 25th August 1887.
Town hall - Brighton Road and Carlisle Street
64. June, 1888 Department of Lands & Survey stating that the issue of a Crown Grant of the site at the corner of Brighton Road and Carlisle Street will be held over until after the new Town Hall has been built.
65. August, 1890 Public Health Department setting out certain requirements before the opening of the new Town Hall can be approved.
68. February, 1893 E W M Crouch for Trustees of Balaclava Methodist Church with reference to the absorption of the unmade roads between the Grounds of the Town Hall, the State School and the Methodist Church.
Town hall - corner Grey and Darkly Streets
44. May, 1859 William Allen of Robe Street Contract No.98 to erect Town Hall and Offices (£1795) corner Grey and Darkly Streets.
45. July, 1859 Draft working on document to be placed on occasion of laying foundation stone of Town Hall, corner Grey and Darkly Streets.
46. June, 1860 St. Kilda Masonic Lodge requesting use of a room one evening per month.
47. September, 1860 Secretary Melbourne Garrick Club requesting use of hall to assist the "Taranake" Fund.
48. November, 1860 Mechanics and Literary Institute requesting use of hall for public lectures.
50. May, 1866 Secretary AMP Society applying for use of hall for lectures on Life Assurance.
51. September, 1887 Notes of Deputation to Minister of Justice with reference to the Government taking over the site of the old Town Hall corner Grey and Darkly Streets.
52. January, 1890 Crown Law Department offering the sum of £2000 for the buildings on the land at the corner of Darkly and Grey Streets, old Town Hall site.
53. June, 1890 Crown Law Department acknowledging the Council's advice that it has moved to the new Town Hall (corner Brighton Road and Carlisle Street) and may now take over the old Town Hall. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-T53a HistRec-T53b
Traffic - St Kilda Road
69. February, 1864 Return of traffic using Melbourne/Brighton Road (St Kilda Road) detailing the numbers and types of vehicles passing through the toll gate between the 11th and 14th February, 1864.
70. May, 1872 Town Clerk Melbourne invitation to a conference of all Metropolitan Councils to discuss an approach to the Government for the right to construct tramways.
71. April, 1882 Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Co through Joseph Duffett, Solicitor as its Parliamentary Agent giving notice of Intention to ask the Government to introduce an Act to authorise the Company to construct tramways in a number of Municipalities including St Kilda and describing the streets to be traversed.
72. April, 1882 Report by Conference on the proposed Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Company's Bill and setting out clauses accepted and agreed to by the Promoters of the Bill.
73. April and May 1884 Malleson England & Stewart Solicitors for the Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Company notifying its intention to apply to Parliament for an Act to authorise the extension of tramways already authorised to traverse Chapel Street to Carlisle Street and seeking the Council's approval.
74. April, 1884 Malleson England & Stewart Solicitors enclosing draft of Bill authorising the Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Co to extend Its tramway system along Chapel Street to Carlisle Street.
75. August, 1890 John H Knipe seeking the Council's interest in a proposed tramway either horse or the overhead electric wire system extending along the beach from Port Melbourne to the Railway Station at Brighton Road.
78. October, 1863 Ratepayers petitioning for the calling of a Public Meeting to enable residents to express their views on the threatened renewal of transportation of convicted persons from England to Western Australia.
79. 1864 St Kilda Council copy of petition to the United Kingdom Government for putting an end to the transportation of convicted persons to Australia and also a petition to Her Majesty the Queen.
Tree planting
80. June, 1867 Planting Committee report on progress of planting trees and shrubs on the Esplanade, the Swamp and the Botanical Gardens and enclosing correspondence with Dr Mueller of the Melbourne Botanic Gardens on types of trees provid
1. June, 1857 Edward Hughes (Valuator) enclosing book of valuations of rateable properties. Note: This is the first valuation return. Reference is made to his inability to find the owners of certain unoccupied properties.
2. August, 1857 Mr Edward Hughes (Valuator) reporting result of appeals against his valuations.
3. April, 1859 Mr Saunders offering to value all rateable property in St Kilda for £30. Note: Had four years experience with Melbourne City Council.
4. April, 1859 Edward Hughes of Alma Street East proposal to value all rateable property in the Municipality for £50.
5. June, 1861 Henry F Gurner giving notice of appeal against valuation of his property in Dalgety Street.
6. 1862 Specification of work required for valuing rateable property and undertaking by Messrs Kelson and Russell to carry out the work for the sum of £40.
Wandering cattle - Cows and Goats
1. November, 1857 Mr J Roche for Trustees of Congregational Church, Alma Road (adjacent to corner of Alma Road and Barkly Street) concerning damage to Church property by roaming cows and goats. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-W1a HistRec-W1b
Water - Supply
2. August, 1852 Proceedings of Legislative Council Victoria motion moved that a branch water pipe be laid down to the beach at St Kilda to commence from Emerald Hill (South Melbourne) so that the rising town may be supplied with fresh water from the River Yarra. The motion was lost.
3. March, 1857 Secretary Melbourne and Hobsons Day Railway Co asking permission to lay down water pipes from the Tank (owned by the South Yarra Water Works Co) neat the St Kilda Junction across Melbourne Road (St Kilda Road) and along Fitzroy Street to the Railway Station.
4. April, 1857 Secretary South Yarra Water Works Co relative to the Melbourne and Hobsons Day Railway Company's proposal to run trains from St Kilda and its desire to lay water pipes from the Company's tank at the Junction. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-W4a HistRec-W4b
5. August, 1857 Sewerage and Water Commission is willing to introduce water from Yan Yean if Government will provide the necessary funds.
6. September, 1857 Town Clerk Emerald Hill Council agreeing to co-operate in endeavours to obtain extensions of water supply from Yan Yean Reservoir.
7. October, 1857 Special Committees report cost of a main to bring Yan Yean water to St Kilda via Collingwood, Richmond, Prahran etc. Note: Report by Councillors Thomas Hale and A Sutherland.
8. October, 1857 Town Clerk Prahran appointing a representative to attend the conference with the Sewerage and Water Commission relative to the supply of Yan Yean water to various Municipalities.
9. November, 1857 Town Clerk Emerald Hill appointing a representative to attend the conference with the Sewerage and Water Commission on the extension of water from Yan Yean mains.
10. December, 1857 Petition from residents asking the Chairman to call a Public Meeting to discuss the best means to be adopted to secure a supply of water to St Kilda from the Yan Yean. Meeting subsequently held and resolutions adopted are set out together with the draft petition forwarded to the Government.
11. November 1857 to November 1859 Sewerage and Water Commission re deputations for extension of Yan Yean water to suburbs south of the Yarra.
12. October, 1859 South Yarra Water Works Co with reference to the Council's request for permission to erect a fountain at the Company ground near the Water Tank at the St Kilda Junction but advising that water could not be supplied gratuitously.
13. February, 1860 32 Residents jointly signing a request that, now the Yan Yean supply has been laid on, Stand Pipe be placed at or near the Greyhound Hotel, Brighton Road.
14. March, 1861 Seven licensed water carriers asking that they be given a 6 months license to operate being in danger of losing their livelihood when Yan Yean supplies are installed in St Kilda streets.
15. April, 1864 Circular issued by Minister of Public Works and Roads notifying that water service pipes will be laid in Alma Road, Dickens and Tennyson Streets (Sections only).
16. January, 1865 Department of Public Works leasing to the Council the water stand pipe at the junction of High and Inkerman Streets.
17. February, 1865 M J P Hanify asking for levels of Blessington Street between Brighton Road and Tennyson Street to assist his application for a water supply to houses in this section.
18. March and June 1865 Town Clerk Melbourne of the future control of the Yan Yean waterworks.
20. February, 1866 W Pommeroy the need for laying water pipes to houses of residents in Frampton Street and St Mary Avenue.
21. September, 1866 James Robertson advising that the Government will lay water supply to Smith Street as soon as the street levels are completed.
22. October, 1868 Department of Public Works seeking assistance in bringing to the notice of residents, the need for checking the present lavish waste and undue consumption of water. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-W22a HistRec-W22b
23. February, 1873 Town Clerk Melbourne agreeing to convene a conference of Municipalities to consider the purchase of the Yan Yean Water works and fixing 20th March, 1873 as the date.
24. December, 1873 Department of Public Works approving the erection of a Stand pipe at "Owensville'' (Ripponlea) at the junction of Hotham and Grosvenor Streets and one outside Elsternwick Hotel provided a rental of £10 per annum be guaranteed in each case.
25. November, 1875 Department of Public Works formal notice directing that all Municipalities to which water is supplied by the Yan Yean Water works shall after the let January 1876, discontinue watering streets from hydrants or fireplugs but may fill water carts from such plugs or stand pipes.
26. June, 1883 Mayor of Melbourne asking that consideration be given to offer by the Government to formulate a scheme for establishing a Metropolitan Board of Works to deal with Water Supply, Sewerage etc.
27. August, 1883 Town Clerk Melbourne forwarding copy of report by Municipal Conference on the proposed formation of a Metropolitan Board of Works setting out the Board's functions and asking the Council's consideration.
28. October, 1883 Town Clerk Melbourne setting out the views of the Municipal Conference in answer to the criticisms put forward against the proposed formation of a Metropolitan Board of Works.
Weights and measures
30. March, 1863 Shop keepers asking that arrangements be made for shop keepers to have weights and measures tested at the Town Hall instead of attending the Inspector's Office at Emerald Hill.
31. 1863/4 Department of Trade and Customs file of letters relating to the ultimate issue of authorised copies of standard weights and measures.
32. October, 1865 J Beagley (Town Herdsman) reporting the destruction of wildfowl (ducks, plovers, and snipe) on the swamp by persons with firearms.
Wines and spirits - Sale of
33. September, 1869 Wright & Co offering services of its operators to detect illegal sales of wines and spirits by holders of Bottle Licences. Licensed Grocers etc.
Yacht club
2. December, 1880 Hon. Secretary Victoria Yacht Club seeking financial support for the Intercolonial Yachting Regatta to be held on 15th January, 1881 and enclosing list of Committee and Office bearers.
3. March, 1885 Department of Trade and Customs seeking the Council's views on the application by the Victoria Yacht Club for a Clubhouse site north of the St Kilda Pier.
4. June, 1890 Chas. P Whitehead applying on behalf of the St Kilda Yacht Club for permissive occupancy of an area adjoining the existing Club shed to provide an enclosure for yachts and dinghies. A copy of the letter is available: HistRec-Y4a HistRec-Y4b
Yacht harbour
1. September, 1876 S S Crisp suggesting formation of a yacht harbour by enclosing an area extending from Kenney's ship bath to the Jetty.
Yarra floods
5. July, 1864 Town Clerk Melbourne convening a conference to discuss the damage caused by flooding of River Yarra.
Yarra - River improvements etc.
6. October, 1872 Secretary (D Prophet - former Town Clerk) West Melbourne Public Works Improvement League advising Its formation and seeking support for its objectives of securing a bridge over the Yarra at Spencer Street and drainage and reclamation of land at West Melbourne for construction of docks to accommodate shipping.
7. November, 1872 D Prophet (Secretary West Melbourne Public Works Improvement League) enclosing wording of a petition to Parliament concerning the River Yarra and the low lying land west of Melbourne and seeking the Council's support in its objectives.