Electoral Rolls
Municipal or Local Government electoral rolls are a list of the rate paying residents of a municipal district. These are often called voter’s rolls. Some of the early Emerald Hill rolls are called "burgess rolls"; a burgess is a citizen of a district. Before 1883 South Melbourne was called Emerald Hill.
The Emerald Hill electoral rolls begin in 1855 and continue to 1873. Each year is arranged in an alphabetical sequence.
What can be found on these electoral rolls:
- Name
- Number in rate book (discontinued from 1863)
- Address (no numbers given in the earlier rolls)
- Occupation (from 1863)
- Number of votes (discontinued from 1862)
The Sandridge electoral rolls for 1861 are arranged with names in an alphabetical sequence, the number in the rate book and locality. Port Melbourne was called Sandridge before 1884.
The St Kilda electoral rolls begin from 1864 and continue to 1900. These are arranged in Wards - North, South and West. Within each Ward names are alphabetically listed.

City of Port Melbourne Voter's Roll, 1936 (Port Phillip Heritage Centre collection)
Follow the links below to search Municipal Electoral Rolls for Emerald Hill, Sandridge and St Kilda.
Municipal Electoral Roll for the District of Emerald Hill 1855 - 1873
1855- 1856, 1856- 1857, 1857-1858, 1858-1859, 1859-1860
1860-1861 Abbott-Currie, 1860- 1861 Currie-Lane, 1860-1861 Lane-Skinner, 1860-1861 Skinner-Zeigler
1861-1862 Abrahams-Goldie, 1861-1862 Goldbody-Scott, 1861-1862 Scott-Young
1862-1863 Abrahams-Davis, 1862-1863 Davis-Lancelet, 1862-1863 Lagham-Sherwin, 1862-1863 Shields-Young
1865 Abrahams-Crocket, 1865 Crockford-Hodder, 1865 Hodder-McLean, 1865 McLean-Thomas, 1865 Thomas-Young
1866 Abrahams-Bury, 1866 Buschman-Hance, 1866 Handley-Maher, 1866 Maher-Scott, 1866 Scott-Young
1867 Abbott-Bright, 1867 Bright-Gott, 1867 Gott-Middleton, 1867 Middleton-Scott, 1867 Scott-Zevenboom
1868 Aaron-Buchanan, 1868 Buckett-Duthie, 1868 Duthie-Henderson, 1868 Henderson-Mellor, 1868 Mendez-Plumb, 1868 Poat-Stewart, 1868 Stead-Zeidenscheuar.
1869 Abrahams-Clark, 1869 Clark-Good, 1869 Goodall-Longcroft, 1869 Lough-Poulton, 1869 Powis-Tribe, 1869 Troyle-Zevenboom
1870 A'Beckett-Arnold, 1870 Arviers-Burns, 1870 Chapman-Enright, 1870 Enright-Hanson, 1870 Hants-Lapthorne, 1870 Larkins-McDonald, 1870 Mcdonald-Rawlinson, 1870 Rayment-Stapleton, 1870 Stead-Willoughby, 1870 Wilson-Zeppo
1871 Abott- Bradford, 1871 Bradley-Crotty, 1871 Crotty-Fry, 1871 Fry-Horner, 1871 Hornridge-McDonald, 1871 McIntosh-North, 1871 North-Russell, 1871 Russell-Thomas, 1871 Thomas-Zevenboom
1872 Aorons-Booth, 1872 Booth-Cope, 1872 Copley-Fenwick, 1872 Ferguson-Haren, 1872 Harless-Knight, 1872 Knight-Muir, 1872 Muir-Newitt, 1872 Newman-Skae, 1972 Skeats-Veal, 1872 Ventriss-Yuille
1873 Aarons-Boland, 1873 Boland-Coleman, 1873 Coleman-Elliott, 1873 Elliott-Gunn, 1873 Gunning-Johnston, 1873 Johnston-Mathews, 1873 Mathieson-Offentine, 1873 Ogden-Rout, 1873 Smith-Smith, 1873 Taylor-Woodhead, 1873 Woodhead-Zing
Municipal Electoral Roll for the District of Sandridge 1861
Burgess Roll for the Borough of St Kilda 1864- 1900
1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872,
1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881
1885 South Ward, 1885 West Ward, 1885 North Ward
1886 South Ward, 1886 North Ward
1887 South Ward, 1887 West Ward, 1887 North Ward,
1888 South Ward, 1888 West Ward, 1888 North Ward,
1889 South Ward, 1889 West Ward, 1889 North Ward
1891 South Ward, 1891 West Ward, 1891 North Ward
1892 South Ward, 1892 West Ward, 1892 North Ward
1893 South Ward, 1893 West Ward, 1893 North Ward
1894 South Ward, 1894 West Ward, 1894 North Ward
1895 South Ward, 1895 West Ward, 1895 North Ward
1896 South Ward, 1896 West Ward, 1896 North Ward
1897 South Ward, 1897 West Ward, 1897 North Ward